• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023

  • I can’t think of worse debate performance. Nixon profusely sweating? Pretty bad, but at least he was coherent.

    Mondale not being able to counter Regan’s age deflecting quip? Damn. That’s so tough one when the crowds turned.

    The Gore eye roll? Well damn that sucks.

    But this was a debate long fugue state. At best, some Trump previous incoherent ramblings are close, but still not as bad.

    This was seriously bad. And everyone failing to see that and trying to minimize it is attempting and failing to gaslight everyone else.

    There maybe no replacement available, but at least call a spade a spade.

  • Uncle Iroh
    I know he’s a genocidal war criminal, but he lost his son and traveled a long path of tea and paisho eventually cherishing and mentoring his nephew.

    Uncle Ruckus
    He’s a simple man, tryin’ to make his way in the world. Life’s dealt him a tough hand, but he played it the best he could. He worked hard, respected the values he was raised with, and tries to bring a bit of order to this chaotic world. He ma be rough around the edges and may not make words so good, but he believes in tough love and speaking his mind.