It sounds like you haven’t seen any healthy ethnically non-monogamous relationships. That’s a shame. As a part of one, I’ve seen several others as well. It can work, if it’s done for the right reasons and if all partners respect each other.
It sounds like you haven’t seen any healthy ethnically non-monogamous relationships. That’s a shame. As a part of one, I’ve seen several others as well. It can work, if it’s done for the right reasons and if all partners respect each other.
Yes, you should. And train with them. Find nearby like-minded people you can train with. You don’t need many, but you really need to know how to use them.
Ah, right, certainly the next President will also behave the same way…
This feels terribly naive. It would be one thing if we could cement into the Constitution that the President does not have immunity, but Congress can barely pass a funding bill, let alone an amendment. But failing to use the power granted to try and set the country on a better path just ensures that a dictator will rise who does not care about keeping the status quo. And Trump will have a rubber-stamp SC that will say any act he seems to be official is.
Good. The other justices don’t deserve any respect.
There are certainly more than that ready to go to war. But they’re also smart enough not to out themselves for some petty stuff like this or the Trump trial. They’ll stay hidden until the time is right to try something serious. Don’t underestimate how many right-wing Americans are out there ready for violence.
I get the feeling you haven’t interacted with any trans people. Or taken any time to listen to their stories. You should really broaden your understanding.
The bigoted propaganda has worked well on you. Say hi to JK Rowling at the next meeting.
Some parents are just bigots. Some are brainwashed by religion. Some are just afraid and/or angry about anything they don’t understand. If a kid isn’t telling their parents, there is probably a VERY good reason. Kids get beaten. Kids get kicked out of their homes. Kids get sent to conversion camps. Parents can be just as terrible as anyone else.
There are a lot of parents that are not supportive of their children. Especially if they fall on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. This puts kids at risk. This will harm children.
This sure seems like a step towards a personhood bill. Which is exactly what Republicans want
Thanks for regurgitating InfoWars talking points. Alex Jones would be proud.
It’s because they listen to Alex Jones. Everything they said is an InfoWars talking point.
You’re vastly overestimating the US military’s ability to deal with an insurgency. Did we quickly “win” in Iraq? Did we quickly “win” in Afghanistan? There may be some quick quelling of fighting, but we’ve proven to be terrible at managing insurgencies.
And there’s the matter of just how many guns are present in the US. We have more guns than people. Over 400 million guns and growing. There are times where a lone gunman in Afghanistan was able to occupy an outpost for hours just by taking a few shots, moving position, taking a couple more shots, and then leaving.
Any civil war will be long, messy, and involve a LOT of different factions.
It always strikes me as interesting that if the Bible truly was divinely inspired that there really should only be one translation and one interpretation. It should be incredibly clear and concise to everyone.
I am very ok with Trump encouraging behavior that could kill his followers. I hope they take his advice and go even if they’re very sick with COVID.
Dan Olson and Cody Johnston are absolute treasures
That came up on Alex Jones recently. So, uh, sorry, your sister is likely listening to InfoWars or something adjacent. My condolences.
I wouldn’t be so sure about humanity surviving. It all depends on how many tipping points we hit and how bad warming actually gets. There’s no way we stop at 3°. Existence for any humans will be incredibly fraught.
Everyone who is forced to go back should probably spend a bit of time on this site - https://specificsuggestions.com/share/EN/881.html
Slow things down, make it hurt for them. Not enough to get fired, but if everyone does it, it will affect the bottom line.