Right winger: We want to kill all gays.
Left winger: Every human being should be treated with respect.
eNlIgHtEnEd cEnTrIsT: Well maybe some gays should be killed.
Right winger: We want to kill all gays.
Left winger: Every human being should be treated with respect.
eNlIgHtEnEd cEnTrIsT: Well maybe some gays should be killed.
I know Toyota is still ragging on EVs because they invested a lot into hydrogen tech and want that to be the next big thing instead. But I didn’t know Honda, Mazda and Suzuki also under-invested.
It’s the policy of an entire political party. Remember “War on Your Weekend”?
Still using one with a jack. Other must haves for me are sd slot and tool less sim tray.
Head lice.
But they do. The assholes who want to go fast will weave in and out of traffic which increases the chances they lose control. Blocking traffic won’t suddenly make these people good drivers, it makes them irritable and impatient and more likely to pull even riskier manoeuvres.
I sometimes wonder who died and made them all highway patrol. I just want to get home safe, can people just not fucking ego trip behind the wheel of the 2 ton deathmobile?
Australia’s version is a dns block. It only stops people who don’t know how to google or change thier dns.
That may or may not have participated in the time honoured qld police tradition of picking up aboriginal youth and dumping them in the middle of nowhere to walk home.
Parasites running unregulated hotels driving the smaller operators to list on airbnb as well.
The ex-PM of Australia allegedly shat himself at McDonald’s in Engadine. Allegedly. There’s a plaque.
Lost a lot of my hobby subs and spend more time posting political crap now.
Oh they were on Reddit. Before I left, you could find them on ChapoTrapHouse. After the Ukraine War kicked off, you could see them all over world news, Ukraine, noncredibledefense, credibledefence, and the various war update subs.
I was told by a Russian that they venerate beaurocracy. The documents show the objective truth and it doesn’t matter that everyone involves knows that the contents is bullshit as long as the process has been followed to the letter.
I was so disappointed when they discontinued factory tours because people couldn’t keep their fucking hands to themselves when walking past the chocolate machines.
Vaping is still available in Australia as an aid to quit smoking. It just requires a prescription.
If I remember my history right, Japan would’ve surrendered conditionally without the bombs and that was only after bleeding the allies and soviets a bit. The condition here was Japan gets to keep the pacific holdings that weren’t already liberated. It doesn’t take a genius to see why that was unacceptable.
Me: “do you close the bathroom door while shitting?”
Them: “yes”
Me: “why? You have nothing to hide”
The “tahun baru cina” thing used in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei isn’t uncommon or disused btw. It’s the term used by the native Malay population because Malay is the official language in those countries. A term not used by the cultures celebrating this lunar new year.
James Stephanie Sterling after she started doing the stupid “ad spots” in videos for pogs and other memorabilia. They aren’t real ads, but they were so damned obnoxious.
Lucy Pyre after she stopped doing FFXIV videos and went full on brainrotted degenerate.