Hit a military target. No one got super outraged when terrorists blew up the Cole. But when they took out 3k civilians on 9-11, or about 1.5k civilians on 10-7, they made a lot of normally anti-war people very angry and willing to look away while their military made horrible mass casualties as a response.
See the problem with this though, is that if everything’s just pretend and made up, then I can’t get mad about Elon Musk’s “Nazi Salute”. And yet, there are abundant red flags showing a rise in fascism, that if ignored, may very well permanently alter the world order and our standard of living. In the past 48 hours there was a significant chance the supply of coffee that drives most of my economic output could be disrupted or tariffed.
And, that’s because a lot of this comes back to the connotation of the word, “pretend”. Replace it with the word, “Idea”, and you get sort of the same concept, but suddenly the non-existent thing sounds much more powerful.