Do I look like I know what a jpeg is?
Do I look like I know what a jpeg is?
Where’s the part where companies buy all the housing so we are only able to rent?
I fixed it, should work now.
In favor of snow melting faster: a) Greater surface area per mole for evaporation, b) Greater porosity per mole for water seepage to transfer heat to interior of snow.
In favor of ice melting faster: a) Radiant energy can penetrate the clear surface of ice directly to the interior.
I’d guess ice will melt faster on a sunny day, while snow will melt faster on a cloudy day, if (a) ambient air and ground temperatures are the same on both days, (b) relative humidity is the same on both days.
After reading that that source, sounds like a complicated question.
And it costs Americas more to put them in prison then to just house them.