So this means they can’t attack Rafah now, right? Right? Since they went back on their retaliation agreement and all…
So this means they can’t attack Rafah now, right? Right? Since they went back on their retaliation agreement and all…
Didn’t the US just “give Rafah” to Isntreal as an agreement that Isrealhell won’t retaliate on Iran?
Right? Do people not know?
I did too. I hate that it’s plausible enough today.
This is the correct answer.
I was just gonna say how fucking ironic it is the US became full on Nazis after defeating them 70 years ago. I know Amurica secretly gave the Nazi scientists a place to hide after WWII but what we’ve become is next level. Or maybe we’ve always been this way and it’s just become more evident. Either way, this backing of genocide, killing semitic people using the name of semetic people is white supremacist as fuck.
I use an ad blocker and it pretty much just blocks the entire logarithm
It got me in my way to learning about decentralization and now I’m all over the small web stuff.
I just wish there was a way to delete my reddit profile comments easily. I log in every three months or so by accident usually.
Judging Turtle Neck McConnell’s recent pro-isrealhell speech, I think you’re right.
!remind me to see any answer to this lol
But why would I? If I said I was only under an impression based on their direct management of the electoral college, isn’t it pretty clear I was speaking for myself based on my own opinion? I obviously didn’t state it’s fact.
Ohhh! Another good suggestion. I really appreciate it. Thanks.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Interesting. Thanks for the info. I know the DNC administers the electors* in the college and have always been under the impression they’d not be for RCV, either.
edit: Oh fuck you, whoever is downvoting. Quit being a triggered cunt. I asked a good question, got a good answer, and shared what I know. Nothing I contributed to this thread is downvote worthy unless you’re just a triggerd narrative controlling parasite. Fuuuuck you.
You are fucking stupid. Jfc.
And that party is? Yes, I really don’t know.
Yea… and I realize how harsh it sounds but like, I put “lazy” in quotes because I don’t think it’s really laziness. Maybe more boredom? The environments’ just been designed to not invite exploration. Everything is just automatic and instant now. Innovation is driven by need. The need has been engineered away, for the most part.
People are “lazy” and only social, today. They want to log in, info dump, and not think.
Before the nadir of social media, when reddit and twitter were coming up, the people online were predominantly young millennials and new tech was exciting. That was a time where netizens were more curious and accepting of online platform learning challenges. In fact, if it was beta or even just more hands on and generally nerdy, that often made the platform more appealing. Then everything became standardized. Mega social media squashed innovative smaller fun projects. Competition got absorbed. And with the mass standardization of the internet came the younger generations who came up just expecting shit to work as they’ve always seen. Streamlined and with an inclusion of 15 minutes of fame. But, in honesty the biggest snooze is the lack of innovation that drove the old internet drives today’s general malaise.
Times are different. People are bored with internet tech and are therefore less curious. My younget gen z and y co-workers glaze over if I even so much as mention irc or playing around with your own web server. Gen y understands but doesn’t care because Twitter and IG governed their highschool experience. Gen z doesn’t understand and are kinda boomer-esque in terms of any software comprehension. I’ve had to teach my interns what Excel even is.
Times are different. Everything has being standardized, monontonized, monitized, predictable, and generally boring. I think the fediverse would have to become mainstream to appeal to the mainstream. And today’s mainstream aren’t interested in new platform learning curves unless there’s something fun, compelling, and of entertainment value to them.
Just my old millennial lady take.