Oh! These are so cute. I keep another type of ironclad beetle, the more commonly known Blue Death Feigning Beetle.
Lol not even gonna show her taking the actual hook out huh? Awesome.
Low value gift card from a local dinner place. So he has to go there to use it and then it’s only like 10 dollars and he has to fork over the rest.
I was given that exact red quesadilla maker for a work anniversary. I used it to make quesadillas, ngl.
Tinned sardines are a lovely snack and everyone should keep some on hand. This is a hill I am willing to die on. A hill of sardines.
I’m using &udm=14 for now…
Smearing it all over the counter would only ruin the day for one or more of their wage slaves, of course WM wouldn’t care if you did that.
Hey man, Blaps were there first (probably). #BlapsRights
I worked for Staples in my college years. They used to throw away bales upon bales of recyclable products every day while pumping up their image as a green place to shop or whatever. Maybe it was just the management of that specific store. Anyway, good on Staples for offering recycling services.
Oh ok, thanks for clarifying. I clearly misunderstood his intent.
I don’t know if you’re getting downvoted for saying genocide or for saying that the US is actively supporting genocide, but both are true and I stand with you on that.
Oh hello, every house I built in Sims.