$400,00 and not filing? Assholes. Get’em Joe!
$400,00 and not filing? Assholes. Get’em Joe!
Here’s a link to the map from a different news source when it was proposed yesterday.
idk, it doesn’t look as bad as i though it would.
This is going to hurt Biden’s chances. Stop trying to help the American people you old fossil. Go back eating ice cream or something, surely that’s won’t be controversial.
Oh, so it’s going to be (inflated) full price with permanent discount, and Wendy’s gets to decide how much to discount based on need?
Lol. Fuck’em. It’s just extra steps to raise prices.
Too bad US is a republic, not a democracy. The founding fathers never intended it. Right guys? /s
Please say you forgot the /s, I wanted the fediverse to be at least above average.
From my tiny phone… It’s that Gandalf the grey struggling on hard times? Might need to cut the weed budget.
Two things that make Trump the worst and arguably traitor to the US. Just so you know where I stand.
He literally try to overturn an election and remain king.
He piled on $8,400,000,000,000 to national debt. $2.5T came from his stupid tax cut law, which were only off set in the billions of increased tariffs, and about $2.3 from discretionary spending increase, plain old Republicans in charge and spending out the wazzu. Saving the last one $3.6T for COVID relief and laws, which everyone and their grandma pointed out the potential for fraud and abuse, but no guard rails were put in place and DOJ is merely chasing back millions in peanuts only because some fraudster was too stupid to keep their mouths shut.
Circumventing the Constitution and exacerbating the wealth inequality, were real acts of degrading the US, and at best just not giving a damn about the American people. Compared to all the other crap he did that were more performative, while below the office if the President, these two things have long term effect of weakening the county that I love. He’s the worst President and the modern Republicans are only in for themselves.
This just confirms for me that all the MBAs and executives are completely bias in their decision making. Call it recency bias, exposure bias, they only remember what they heard of being “news” worthy in the company. These “sales” tactics gets your name out there and the bias takes hold accept that self promotion.
Can’t wait for AI to come in and answer the question, “if weekly summary report can be automated from emails, which team lead should I put in the PM position, so the project doesn’t get fucked up”. Oh man, we can do away with so many executive positions.
Cop, “Your Honor, the sandwich is a known lethal weapon, given its track record of choking hazard. Just last week, Joey down at the station, was working OT and eating his favorite meatball sub. That could have been the last time I saw Joey… So, when I saw the sandwich, I immediately recognized the danger and risked my life to control the situation.”
What are my remaining options of grocery store, that is social neutral at least? Wegmans?
deleted by creator
Birth the child, and let him suffer, said the Lord.
We’re going to see if the country is run by laws, or this country is run by power. Too many have fantasized about ruling by power. Too long the opposition just blindly believed the system would check itself in an honor system. This case, from the home state of a confederate general, will reveal which path US chooses.
We know. You don’t really care. Your voters don’t care.
Time to legalize sex work and drugs, and hope the next generation is hardened against this age old blackmail scheme.
“Trump is quoting fascists!”
“Can you back up your assertion with real book citations, yeah, didn’t think so. You’re all just part of the woke Internet.”
This is similar to the “correlation doesn’t equal causation” fallacy.
Dual income and no kids, is due to the prospect of cost of living and raising a family out pacing income. Housing, vehicle, child care, tuition, are all the items pricing middle class out of options.
DINK is not a choice, if anything, it’s more the result of not having the luxury to choose.
The economy is booming, but you also need to negotiate with your employer and switch jobs if needed. Unless your boss automatically gave your 10%+ annual adjustment, you are slowly falling behind.
Do it! Do it!
I want all the money drained out of there.
Responsibility for thee, not for me.