The only one that really bothers me is them using the Gregorian calander.
The only one that really bothers me is them using the Gregorian calander.
That’s one fuckin nice kitty right there.
True, but we’ve already seen from Russia what sheer numbers can do, even under-equipped and untrained.
Absolute Chad.
And we (the US) have so much support that we could be giving to them but we’re not. We’d rather enable genocide elsewhere.
I remember being absolutely stoked when I unlocked the SpaceDocker, but only because of the conspiracies surrounding it.
Slender Man needs clothes too.
Rockstar used to go pretty hard.
One can hope.
It seriously stresses me out how many people in my community have taken that seriously. In my own family, even. It is indeed one of the many possible indications of someone to whom I don’t want to give my time.
Oh god, I can smell it.
Long sleeves ftw
Nukes don’t have to leave behind radiation and make an area uninhabitable anymore. Those were the “Dirty” fission bombs. Fusion bombs are considered more clean.
Liberalism is it’s own ideology. Conservatism isn’t because it’s just leberalism with extra hysterics.
Like… The conservatives cry more? They’re more emotional? I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.
And I never said that I was a liberal. I just think you sound like a twat.
That is some quality rage-bait lmao. It’s like a caricature of someone endlessly pumping themselves with Fox News, filled with a “you won because we let you” arrogance.
It’s starting to sound like a boxing intro
Cage is such an amazing band live, the show I went to had a truly memorable energy. Absolutely wonderful.
The touch buttons on the back bring it down a lot for me. But I do play mine still.
Oh yeah, I 'member. I opened mine super excitedly and was immediately disappointed that it “didn’t work”. I couldn’t find any way to activate it. It then clicked that it was a regular ball the whole time and the people in the commercials were just skilled.