I’m convinced the goal of this administration is to kill as many Americans as possible. They’re a fucking death cult.
I’m convinced the goal of this administration is to kill as many Americans as possible. They’re a fucking death cult.
Their last three albums have all been amazing. I saw them live a couple of years ago, and they have such an incredible stage presence simply due to the amount of skill and talent they all have.
I’m paying that in Austin. It’s great.
UNLEASH THE ARCHERS. By far my favorite band.
They’re a hell of a lot better than nothing.
I’d rather your car get fucked up than a person.
Right, but I don’t think calling people children for playing one game over another is the way to do it.
I’m so happy to see all the Destiny 2 references in these comments.
I’ve got dedicated bath mats that aren’t much more than a towel. They get washed when we wash our towels.
Let people play what they want to play.
I’m glad. I hate the fact that TV’s are so cheap now that fixing them literally isn’t worth it. Same with a lot of laptops and tablets and stuff. I’d much rather have a chunkier phone than one I won’t ever be able to fix.
I have this vision that, maybe ten or so years in the future, we’ll be reading articles about how the new class of freshmen will be the smallest since whenever, on account of all the dead kids that caught measles.
Not all of us are using Lemmy, for one.
As a Texan, I’m painfully aware.
I’m only saying what I’ve observed, not that I personally feel that way. If anything, I probably over-consume political content and right now I’m pissed the fuck off that we had two world wars over this shit and we can’t seem to get rid of the Nazis.
It’s not conscious on the part of most. The vast majority of folks are ignorant to the effects of politics on their lives, again because their lived experience shows that it doesn’t matter to how they live their lives.
People get together and go to church every weekend because it’s what they grew up doing. They don’t question because questions got you beat or yelled at. So they live their lives in the manner that chafes less. Anything that upsets the very delicate balance of their lives gets ignored, because paying attention to it risks an upheaval of how they live their lives.
Sure, there are plenty that cross the line into actually believing that the Nazis in power are okay, but most honestly don’t care. They don’t vote, say they did to the one friend they have that cares, and move on. Most don’t even consume news, much less read articles. They’re ignorant.
Almost like efficiency was never the point.
Calling him a toddler is dangerous. It diminishes the impact of his actions.
He’s a Russian puppet, installed to destroy our country, and that’s exactly what he’s doing.
It is odd to see this happening. When I was your age the only thing I could think about was getting a girlfriend. Nothing wrong with either line of thinking, it’s just interesting to watch.