Very relevant.
Basically, it’s a combination of new foods and exposure to new bacteria.
Very relevant.
Basically, it’s a combination of new foods and exposure to new bacteria.
It doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean people can’t believe that it does.
Beliefs and personal convictions muck that up a bit though.
There’s a sadly significant portion of people who truly believe that being gay is hurting other people.
Whether they believe it only because they were told to or for some personal reason, they believe it nonetheless.
What’s out so far is good.
It’s split up so that the releases after launch continue the main story of the expansion and are included in the price, so no more buying an expansion then having to be playing at a specific time or pay for the follow-up story.
The next part releases tomorrow, so we’ll see how that stacks up.
GW2 for the past 11 years, except for a stretch where I played ESO for a few months.
Community’s mostly great. Cooperation between players is strongly fostered by the game’s design (no kill or resource stealing, no competing for drops, etc), so players tend to get along in almost every PvE situation.
Lore is good, but not nearly as expanded upon as Warcraft’s.
Gameplay is what makes it IMO. Skill effects and some gear skins can be a bit obnoxious, especially when you’re in large groups for open world and World vs World, but it’s still enjoyable. Don’t play normal PvP, so can’t comment on that.
At least it’s digital rights control now instead of your rights depending on a fragile piece of plastic and aluminum.
What good is legally owning a game if I lose access to it just because it physically broke? I’d still have to buy it again (or pirate it) if anything happened to the disk, so IMO, it’s a wash.
We give up legal rights in exchange for extra short term safety and convenience. And if Steam or the developer ever takes it away from me, I can always just go pirate it to get it back.
I don’t want to die.
What if I die in my sleep.
What if the house catches fire and I can’t escape in time because I was asleep.
There are so many other things I could be doing.
I don’t have enough life left.
What if I miss something important or cool.
What if there’s a burglar when I’m asleep and it goes south and they murder me.
What if I have an aneurysm in my sleep.
What if I have a stroke in my sleep.
What if I have a heart attack in my sleep.
What if there’s a gas leak and the house explodes while I’m asleep.
What if there’s a CO leak and I just asphyxiate.
What if I just never wake up for no discernible reason.
I wanna play more video games.
I wanna browse the internet more.
I don’t want to have the bad thoughts come back like they always do when I try to sleep.