I found “similar enough” looking models from Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniature Line and the Vulkyn Flameseekers from Warhammer’s Warcry.
Considering one was a bearded human bard and the other was a half-elf with a pony tail, I was lucky to find a bard with a beard and pony tail combo blister that could work for both (converting one with the signature crossbows), then I just picked a random sorceress from the line and replaced a Dwarf’s axe with the everburn blade. With a similar enough paintjob people dismiss all the indiscrepencies like one would a cold reading.
quality post
Nice classic look
I’m in awe of Twilight Eclipse’s genuine hair.
The co-op campaign took about three months for us to complete. The minis? About 3-4 hours each I wasn’t counting.