Trusting your question isn’t rhetorical.
Jokes aside, the Christian Dominionists running the show want the world to burn. It’s their best case scenario, endgame or whatever. But before THAT happens, they’re meant to make God’s laws in heaven Man’s laws down here, carve their faces into a few mountains, take the last grain of profit from the earth. He with the most stuff wins because God thinks like Santa (if you have more stuff, you’re a very good boy). Don’t overthink these Good Folk. Hitler and his nazis were exactly the same flavour of Imperialist Expansionist genocidal nutbars.
Hence our current speedrun towards armegeddon. It’s why they’re all about endless expansion for the O&G and military industries. It’s why they have such a violent hate-on for that environmentalist kid, Thunberg. Hope and international co-operation for the common good are absolutely their enemy. Their World To Come requires war.
If you think like they do, of course you want to piss off anyone willing to work with their neighbour. People getting along is bad for business.
No matter how bad it gets, people still show up. Love that “Don’t bite the hands that feed you” sign.
If anyone’s interested, the Red Card resource mentioned in the news coverage “created by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) and are available in 16 languages from Spanish to Haitian Creole to Tigrinya.” Anyone wanting to leave these lying around, you don’t need to order them. Just buy a few business card printer sheets and DIY. …
“It’s important to know that a lot of productive activity is happening in person and offline, too. Not all of it can be broadcast online, but we’ve had hundreds of people showing up to our trainings, mobilizations, and more. Keep going. Tyranny is eroded by a sea of small acts. Everything matters.” - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sometime yesterday