Bone apple tea
Bone apple tea
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
I think what you said is true. But you’re referring to people who have an actual handicap and are discriminated against for it.
What I’m referring to is the idea of allowing myself to believe that a people group are less intelligent than I am just because they don’t align with me politically or ideologically. There is no actual handicap for which they are being discriminated against, simply having a different life experience and different view point is enough. It’s ironically a deeply fascist mentality…and I agree it is everywhere.
I was mainly responding to the previous comment which characterized right-wingers as having “lesser cognitive ability”. Just saying that that kind of thinking sets up a “we’re superior” mentality that can too easily lead to the same kinds of consequences as thinking you’re superior based on race or social status. There are so many environmental and experiential factors that go into where a person lands politically and how effective certain forms of propaganda are on them. Blanket statements that characterize entire people groups as less intelligent are not in any way accurate or helpful.
There are definitely plenty of well educated, intelligent fascists as well. It’s pretty dangerous to start thinking that what separates two ideological groups is intelligence.
Except that options 1 and 3 are the same. They come as a pair. So if you think you can stomach option 1, then by all means go for option 3.
Let a dictator seize power, tear down our democracy, and install himself and his successors for life. That’ll teach them Democrats a lesson.
No one’s saying reform doesn’t need to happen. But it isn’t gonna happen before November. And it certainly isn’t going to EVER happen after November if the side that would refuse to give up power once they have it gets elected.
So I should just not vote is what you’re saying.
I still fail to see any suggestion from you that is a better alternative.
Doesn’t matter what your grievance with the party is. There are exactly two options in Nov. One of them WILL be voted into power. There is no 3rd option. No outcome where one of them does not win.
Whether you believe it or not, our actions as voters will help one or the other of them succeed. If it makes you feel good about yourself to abstain, that’s your choice. But it’s delusional to think that that somehow absolves you of any responsibility for whatever outcome happens. Like it or not, you’re going to help someone in this election…there is no way out of that.
Of the two, which would you rather have?
Not voting for your preferred candidate (even if it’s the lesser of two evils) is the same as voting for the other one. So I’m not sure how that eases your conscience.
Every voting age citizen is helping one of them win…either through voting directly or through inaction. If we allow a dictator to rise to power in America and commit God knows what atrocities, yes you can say “I didn’t vote for him.” But at that point, it doesn’t matter. It’s too late. You won’t be able to say “I helped prevent this. And even though I disagree strongly with certain policies, at least we still have a democracy.”
Explain to me how allowing the Republican candidate to win in November is going to help prevent genocide.
Once you’re done with that… explain to me why you believe the Republican candidate would not support even greater atrocities.
In a vacuum, what you’re saying makes sense. But the Democratic party doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You don’t have to approve of all of their actions or policies to recognize that the ONLY OTHER OPTION in this moment is a much greater evil.
That was almost enough to make me not notice that Zuckerberg is doing the kissing.
Yes! AP and Reuters are great! Those two basically comprise my entire news feed, supplemented by a handful of other sources that fall on either side of center (bias-wise).
“neutral outlets like CNN”…listen, I’m all for shining as much light as possible on the disgrace to journalism that is Fox “News”, but CNN is about as neutral as sulfuric acid.
Or aluminum
There was no accusation, but I apologize if it came across that way.
No one’s saying you didn’t experience what you say…just that it does not seem to be an experience shared by many others.
That is a pretty big help financially… indirectly anyway.