Ironic considering how he treated his first daughter.
Ironic considering how he treated his first daughter.
Do you not have jump points in the front? Most vehicles with difficult to reach batteries do Though there are a few exceptions.
Did Mike Tyson murder his wife?
Lol I have the opposite problem, my boyfriend is 6 years younger than me and hell make some reference to something from when he was a kid and I’ll just be like “mmmm musta missed that one.”
We aren’t. Op is saying we should use this instead of the template with Steven crowder cause Steven crowder is a piece of shit.
I have an 34inch ultrawide as my main, and two 27inch screens, one above and one to the side. It’s pretty awesome, play a game or do some work on the main monitor, videos, web pages, instructions in the right, and discord or other pages on the top.
See I like that idea better, I like solving like logic puzzles and word puzzles and stuff, but like I have never liked jigsaws cause it’s like ‘hey it’s the same thing on the box but it has grooves in it now.’
So yeah it would be neat to put it together and then see the differences.
I mean I exclusively use lactaid brand ice cream and milk, it’s pretty good. And I do take lactaid sometimes when I eat some dairy, but it’s not like a perfect fix, it helps so that I don’t want to die, but like dairy still hurts, so I avoid it. When I can.
Honestly digital for me all the way, of course I object to some of the questionable delicious by some companies regarding taking away digital owned media, but as long as it’s not an issue digital.
I’m a very indicisive person and it’s so much better to just be able to switch the game without getting up and going halfway across the room, going through the process of putting it back in the case and taking a new one out until I figure out what I want to play.
Same, I waited till I was 27, I’m happy I’m finally there, but it woulda been nice to start 10 years earlier, woulda been a lot better for me mentally especially.
Hey! Happy international women’s day to you too ❤️!
I mean my parents live far away, certainly makes it harder. But when I do visit I usually stay for a week.
Well what they applied the example to was a cow, citing that due to its tail out was a monkey of course lol. But yeah it does apply to primates for sure. Also a notable example is in Pokémon where you have mankey who evolves into primeape and loses their tail in the process. Of course this also kind of implies that apes are just angrier, stronger monkeys.
Also completely unrelated to our conversation, but relevant to your username…Metriod is my absolute favorite gaming series, Metriod Prime is amazing, and I always wanted to be Samus when I grew up.
This is true, there are two kinds of animal, monkey or ape. Because if it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey, even if it’s a monkey kinda shape. If it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey, if it doesn’t have a tail…it’s an ape!
Or at least that’s what I learned from my parents force feeding me nothing but VeggieTales for far too long.
This Saturday is the Saturday that is occurring in that week, i.e. the 4th, and next Saturday would be the 11th.
I mean Ani is in fortnite, so he is doing the dances with them…
That’s weird cause what I remember is a lot of dress spheres.
OK, well thank you for letting me know. I probably won’t seek it out, but I probably won’t avoid it either.
I had the opposite reaction from people. Like I still feel like I’m pretty highly functioning, or thought I was, but once I found out my friends and family were like ‘well yeah, you were the only one who didn’t know.’ So I said fuck it and mask less now cause apparently it wasn’t working in the first place.