Is 48800 enough to live jn London?
Is 48800 enough to live jn London?
I can remember seeing the comment that rickrolled Rick… Fucking legend and expertly done.
It still amazes that even for two Chomsky-2 languages it is undecidable whether they are equal or not in the general case. Or whether one context free grammar is unambiguous 🤯
What makes you think China will attack Taiwan before Christmas?
How about NixOS where the OS automatically installs the correct software and chooses the right settings. Then you have the time fiddle on your config for hours 🌈
Yeah… But it was only 0.74 seconds, because he honked!
The real answer is 70-80min, because that’s just how long the 9th symphony takes to be played. And they better add a chorus as well, otherwise the 4th movement won’t be as good as it normally is
Ah yes. This unterelven rethoric justifys the slaughtering of millions of orcs on cataclysmic scale
Don’t know what you mean with no concept of trade? Are you not excited for a minigame mechanic to gamble on Canto Bight to gain access to all the most profitable weapon traders? I in turn cannot wait for this cheapest of all the criticisms of capitalism.
No I’m more interested what happens if you use the one ring as cockring? And to what size will it adjust?
But too be fair, Sam only had it for a short time. Also in the movies he also struggles to give it back to frodo (I can’t remember the books). Watch it again and you can see him hesitating and only giving it back when frodo prompts him harsher. Though you could interpret it as him not being sure whether it is a good idea for frodo’s health that frodo gets the ring back. Same with bilbo where Gandalf had to influence him quite a bit.
Until it isn’t
Plottwist: consciousness is : Copy
Die linke Split into two Parties where one is useless and the other … Well… we’ll see. Problem is that the far right is just Very good at making TikTok content atm.
Ah Afghanistan. Where empires go to die
Please explain how trump would have been better and not worse in the Isreal situation?
This is Elon Musk
Even though I understand the facts that Taylor swift tries to do better and is by no means the worst offender, I’m not sorry for finding it funny. I have a strict policy not to be sorry for people who own more than 1million $
Never forget that he became the dictator afterwards
I don’t that’s because of racism… The racism is that many people think Egyptians were white… Search for it online and you’ll find many depictions where they at most have a light tan.