Well that’s certainly true, but Biden is a problem that really shouldn’t exist. He is by far the lesser of two evils, but we still deserve better.
Well that’s certainly true, but Biden is a problem that really shouldn’t exist. He is by far the lesser of two evils, but we still deserve better.
There will always be exhibitionists and people who just like to fuck, but sex work is, by definition, transactional. You’re not going to see a society with free communal whores who aren’t being compensated in any way.
Ah, so I did. Not sure how I managed that, considering how relevant those points should be here.
Wow, is that for rill?
Obnoxious, lying, seditious, narcissistic, rotting corpse vs. tired, confused, rotting corpse.
Well, that’s something I haven’t heard in a long, long time.
Eh, we can leave our cats for a week with plenty of food, etc., and they’re still thrilled when we return.
Citation needed
I feel like there should be some flaming text on that page. I’m definitely getting late '90s vibes from it.
Edit: Not so much on desktop. Mobile is just the left portion, full-screen.
deleted by creator
Divinity: Original Sin 2. I played co-op with my wife. The first time, we got most of the way through act 2 before visiting family over the holidays. More recently (starting a fresh game), we made it much closer to the end, finishing several characters’ personal quest lines, before yet another holiday interrupted our game.
Each time, we just never really felt like picking it back up. Maybe we’ll get back to our “current” game at some point. Otherwise, I suppose I’ll play it solo at some point. Of course, that’s how this run started – she just saw me playing and wanted to play again.
I’m hungry and tired enough that this looks absolutely amazing right now
Oh yeah, I’ve got mud daubers, too. They’re cool; they don’t mess with me, and I don’t mess with them. It’s really just those big, red assholes (and the occasional yellow jacket) that are problematic.
I’m fine with bugs that don’t bother me. Around my house, I’ve got a ton of red paper wasps. They’re assholes. My mere existence makes me a threat worth stinging. Same for the rest of my family. They can go fuck themselves.
Wow, greenery sure makes things brighter. /s
We’re snuggly right up until we get bitey.
Nope. Nope.
I don’t mind a hug, but I have zero desire to snuggle or wrestle with my friends, male or female.
I don’t think I’ve used the word once since high school. Had it been generally unacceptable back then, I wouldn’t have done so. I graduated high school in 2004, and it was at least an acceptable insult back then (though not to call a disabled person), I think. I was a jackass in high school, though, so I could be wrong.
Either way, it offends people now, so we shouldn’t say it. It’s that simple. Deliberately offending people just makes you an asshole.
Silicone is easy enough to remove.
That’s the problem with the fediverse in general. It’s a lovely concept, but it’s hard to sell people on something that has 10% (if we’re being generous) of the content they’re used to.