Maybe Chewie got hungry one day?
Wookies canonically have 6 breasts:
I wish I did not know this.
Stock track is also pretty good ( and it works for more sites than just canadian tire.
True story
That’s not Frollum, that’s Vladimir Putin
Here in Canada at least they have both at the moment. You can use the drive thru as usual or order through the app and give them a code at the drive thru or just park in a numbered spot and have them bring it out to you without ever talking to someone
The front fell off, that’s not very typical.
Mathias Wandel on YouTube made some good videos a few years ago about maximizing airflow through a house with fans. One big finding was that rather than having a fan directly in a window or door pointing out it is actually best to have it a few meters away and directed at the opening. That allows the fan’s airstream pull in and start moving much more air in the room out the opening. He used strips of paper hanging in doorways around the house and also I think took anemometer readings to get good measures of the airflow.
I think the general theory is to run the fans starting in the evening once the air temp outside is lower than inside, then close up the house in the morning to trap the cool overnight air? I think he may have made multiple videos on the topic
They mention in the article about Reddit now being included in search results and I’ve noticed that as well. The irony there is that Google results have been so overrun by shitty content farm sites that searching for specific things like reviews or troubleshooting for products or games was virtually useless unless you also included “Reddit” as part of your query since you were more likely to see legit people talking about product issues and solutions. Not to say Reddit isn’t astroturfed but certainly not to the level that Google’s results are. I’m not totally convinced that Google’s deal to crawl Reddit for AI purposes is directly related since bumping Reddit up in the search priority does make search results more relevant in a lot of cases.
It does seem to be an awful time for independent websites and has been for years since the big tech companies have been doing everything in their power to keep people within their walled gardens.
Haha I thought that birdy was standing on a cyber truck stranded at sea for a minute
Ah, so she’s more of an animal crackers girl. Where’s my Aerosmith tapes.
Hell yeah
Thanks, now I’m thinking about two different classic Canadian movies, Canadian Bacon and Men With Brooms
This is verrry niche but Live from Moosejaw is what looks to be a YouTube comedy series that’s just starting up about a long time local hockey broadcaster who gets saddled with a big city equivalent on his talk show. I enjoyed the teasers/setup they were showing before today’s premiere episode
Criminal that his channel doesn’t have more subs
When I was strugging with motivation in getting out to go for a run or whatever I found “Just do it” to be fairly effective. Only later realizing I was lifting the Nike slogan. Still, it works for me.
And even more, the opening of Office Space
Newsgroups go over an encrypted connection so no need to mess with VPNs and torrent boxes etc. subscribe to one or two nzb sites, a news group host and wire it up with somarr locally.
The way quarter and rift sawn are shown, it would be virtually impossible to cut. There’s no through-line that a sawblade could actually make.