“Weirdest animal noises” is a strange way to say “fart competition “.
“Weirdest animal noises” is a strange way to say “fart competition “.
Wait. So is this fruit loop saying the “Parasitic Elite” put horse urine on the dome in Wales to make it look tarnished because… reasons? And the Annapolis dome is shiny because of magic “aether” that those pesky Elites can’t defeat even with horse peepee? But like, why? What is the deep dark reason for tarnishing the domes???
Also, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I saw the Annapolis dome years ago, and it was as green as green can be… then they refurbished it in 2020. So no magic “aether” involved, sadly.
“Megacorp siphons more money from customers to fuel never ending hunger for profit!”
“Every woman I meet is crazy” says person who works at a women’s mental hospital.
Yes Windows 11 is small enough that this one dude knows all there is to know about it. It is impossible this (former) core developer is wrong, lying or has an axe to grind.
2000’s, like Gen X, completely ignored.
If anyone truly believed it was ever a “true free speech” platform, they must be incredibly, incredibly naive or stupid.
I’m in the southern hemisphere. The entire planet earth was in my way. :-)
I had an entire planet in my way, didn’t see a damn thing.
You’ve left one thing out of your little “everyone is a libertarian when it comes to video games” theory there - I’ve never heard of the game, never heard of the dev, I am very much left leaning and I support the dev’s decision to raise the price of the game by 20% if that’s what they want to do. If it’s worth it, people will still buy it. If it’s not, they won’t. This is hardly some AAA publisher pulling a bait and switch during pre-orders. The game is out and available, anyone unsure of it can easily read reviews, watch videos of people playing it, etc and of course, they can also do a refund.
In Australia we call them Little Boys. You think I’m kidding but I’m not.
Aka “chicken in a lemon sauce” for the rest of the world. Looks delish.
Microtransactions? No way!
Releasing a massively hyped game in an almost unplayable state? Sure why not.
I always feel so guilty when I’m watching TV, my dogs are fast asleep but jump up to join in the fun when I stand up… only for me to walk the 10 steps to the fridge, grab a beer, then back to the couch again.
If this is legit and not a hoax, they’re also suggesting it will be a fair bit cheaper than the current model. I can’t see that being a bad thing, and preferable to the PS5 “pro” minor upgrades and higher price.
The stories in most Nintendo games are weak and mostly pointless. I loved BOTW but strrrrrrrruggled to enjoy TOTK. It just felt too gimmicky. And I adore RDR2, story and gameplay.
If good quality game help doesn’t get used much why on earth would low quality game help jammed full of “funny” advice and memes be better?
Well it was obviously designed for him so I don’t know why you’re complaining.
Australia uses kilopascals rather than PSI. Our standard is 500kPa which works out at around 72 PSI.