Theyre names so the latin alphabet form would be the translation, more or less.
Пятницкiй, Скиталецъ, М. Горький, Найденовъ, Л. Андреев, Шаляпинъ, Бунинъ, Телешевъ, Чирико
Would be…
Pyatnitsky, Skitalets, M. Horky (possibly gorky?), Naydenov, L. Andreev, Shalyapin, Bunin, Teleshev, Chiriko.
(Note, im a native english speaker studing to speak Ukrainian)
The bills are once a month but the specific due date for each can varry. For us some of our bills are due at the beginning of the month and some are due towards the end, but most are at the beginning.