Better than Seaman, unless you’ve got a Dreamcast
Better than Seaman, unless you’ve got a Dreamcast
I wish I could tell you there’s a magic method to confidence but the only two real options are “fake it til you make it” and “fail so many times you no longer fear failure”
I’m old now but I found the path for me was somewhere in the middle between those two extremes
It’s a lot more holey now
I’d take a live woman’s chest over a dead man’s chest any day of the week, I tell you hwat
I always find it funny how countries anthropomorphise themselves as birds. Goose beats baldy any day btw. Play Untitled Goose Game
Discord can go fuck itself!
473ml has been a standard size for a long time. That’s not shrinkflation, that’s two different sizes.
That said, fuck Coke
Maybe just tell him how awesome he is and what a good job he’s doing every now and then, that’s all any man really needs
That and the occasional surprise blowjob
Probably the same thing that happened when Netscape died
I thought this said “goth mouth” and I was sadly disappointed, until I saw the actual picture
If they transparent then you’d be able to see all the tracking chips right up the backdoor
One Must Fall 2097
You just heard the lightning strike
He’s actually based on the genie from Aladdin
Not to mention defacing a mountain by putting a bunch of faces on it
By the way, which one’s Pink?
I don’t blame you, man. We live in unhappy times, it’s no place for happy rhymes.
What like a tulip or a pansy?
What’s a glowy? Like, a glowstick?
It’s like Minecraft in real life