What’s so different about a kid being naked compared to an adult being naked? Also, if you don’t want to see naked kids, just… don’t look at them? I don’t get what your problem is here.
What’s so different about a kid being naked compared to an adult being naked? Also, if you don’t want to see naked kids, just… don’t look at them? I don’t get what your problem is here.
“it implies women in general.”
No, it implies a specific group of women, namely those with such piercings.
Why do you focus on the word “expectations”? The definition you yourself posted in this thread clearly mentions “hopes OR expectations”. I think the use of the term “disappointment” in this case refers to the “hopes” part. You can hope for something from someone without expecting it from them.
I have honestly never seen drag queens in a sexual context. To me they just seem like people (not even specifically like women, and definitely not sexualised versions of them) who had a little too much fun with makeup. I don’t find it appealing either, but I don’t care because they’re free to do as they please and it doesn’t bother me in any way. If you see anything sexual in their appearance, that’s your problem. Some might see something sexual in spaghetti/tank tops or bikinis, but who cares, especially children usually don’t even think of that.
They can still be innocent at nude beaches. There aren’t any orgies there or whatever you think a nude beach is.
Creeps gonna creep. Only way to avoid them is to not go outside. And honestly who cares? Maybe I’m a bit desensitised, but if someone stares at me at the beach, why should I care? Same goes for the ones staring at children, with the difference that children don’t even worry about stuff like that. I also think you overestimate the amount of people who actually go there to creep. It’s not even necessary to go to a nude beach for that, I’ve seen plenty of naked kids at regular beaches.
“[…] because they don’t understand the severity of the situation.” What severity? What’s going to happen to the kids? Do you seriously think they worry about being sexualised? When I was a kid, we would run around naked in our backyard, lots of neighbours were able to see us. Did I worry about that in the slightest? Nope.
You’re worrying too much.