Fucking conservatives
Fucking conservatives
Third story today that only response for is:
Fucking conservatives
Fucking conservatives
Once again proving that Dems are the lesser of two evils, still evil, but less so
Lololol “our company sucks and the stock price is tanking, find something else to blame!”
Fucking Republicans
Fucking Republicans
They’re liars, they know full well what he’s accomplished, but they refuse to acknowledge it because their peers would ostracize them
Lol, lib propaganda, ok Trumper
I love how you just continue to insist on being wrong despite reality
That’s a giant load of revisionist history
What, Trumpers have to lie about good things he did?
No way!
Holy crap you’re so completely delusional it’s scary
Because they’re not trying to fix an issue, it’s an excuse to meddle with the election and make things worse so they can sell their “democracy is broken, vote for a strong man” schtick
Shilling for Russia and pretending their elections are transplant with fraud and completely rigged is why you’re getting downvoted
Trump is literally trying to copy this guy, if you don’t believe it it’s because you’re willingly ignoring it
Fucking disgusting, justifying execution because “cops”
Fucking conservatives