People who have low intelligence
Improving one day that a time
People who have low intelligence
Lol, but seriously I myself am actually mentally challenged. I just wanna know what it’s like for other mentally challenged people.
You sound just like they do
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What’s your first policy?
The problem with analyzing Patrick Bateman is that it’s like analyzing Jason Voorhees or Mike Myers. Bateman doesn’t really have a character outside of just being a sadist.
Why? I’ve watched a lot of Futurama and he’s outgoing and self centered but not in a narcissistic way. He just doesn’t care about social norms or what others think. He doesn’t have a high self image or need to be seen by others.
. Captain Hero from Drawn Together, He’s hyper sensitive to criticism, obsessed with self-image and how he’s seen by others and preoccupied with fantasies of wealth and recognition. Wikipedia says he supposed to be “sociopathic” but to me he’s fits the bill for NPD more than anything else.
If it was to happen to anyone
Or maybe Lenny the Memmy
Kilmister is a cool name
Between the 3rd and 19th of October 1975 an illiterate factory worker with a criminal record, William Edward Hardesty, murdered 7 people as well as a cat. His rampage ended on the 19th of October when he held up a bank and attempted to rob it. After a standoff with authorities he was tear gassed and sent to hospital. He was charged with the murders as well as assault and after three years of sanity hearings in 1981 he was given 7 life sentences for the murders, and terms of 100 to 200 years and 150 to 300 years for the assaults. He appealed against his conviction in 1984 however this was unsuccessful. He is currently serving time in prison.
Edit: I got one fact wrong. That photo was taken outside his parents home it was probably taken outside of the bank.
In this post you say she’s a “possible narcissist” but you don’t explain why you think that. Even if she is one that’s not a inherently bad thing. As someone who is a diagnosed narcissist I can tell you that it mostly affects the person with it more than anyone else. It’s a hard thing to live with, we require constant attention and we’ve very competitive to say the least. It’s like having autism or something similar. I understand my NPD isn’t a good thing but it doesn’t define me. Nobody is defined by there diagnosis.
I tried posting it uncensored but it doesn’t allow me
“a) I am officially diagnosed dont know why you assumed I wasnt”
Do you need to be officially diagnosed? You’ve made it very clear you have the power of Google and YouTube on your side.
“b) not everyone has equal access to healthcare and might have no choice other than to self-diagnose and medicate any range of illnesses”
If you could diagnose yourself you wouldn’t need any of those things.
“c) there are systemic issues like e.g. racism, sexism (sexism is double the issue in mental health than it is in physical) paired with the superiority complex of some doctors constantly leads to psychiatrists dismissing and downplaying their struggles and not diagnosing or writing prescriptions a patient needs.”
Oh, so now I see. You don’t even need doctors because they’re racist or something because they didn’t give you the diagnosis Google said you had.
I thought I was hostile until proven otherwise?
It’s undiagnosed because you don’t have it. Mental health is an extremely complex thing that only somebody with the right qualifications should comment on.
I wasn’t talking about neurodivergence I was talking about learning disabilities.