He’s going to go a buy a Tesla tomorrow? I’m pretty sure he didn’t even keep the wrapped cybertruck that was gifted to him by those manosphere podcasters a while back.
He’s going to go a buy a Tesla tomorrow? I’m pretty sure he didn’t even keep the wrapped cybertruck that was gifted to him by those manosphere podcasters a while back.
Secret service are still just cops.
I’m on boost too. Hit the double checkmark icon, but while you’re in the replies tab. Def some kind of bug.
Don’t forget lucky that the officers didn’t start giving conflicting commands. Yelling “freeze” and “put your hands up” then shooting and later claiming “oh I thought he was reaching for a weapon, I feared for my life.”
Tag corner is for my face, adjacent corner for drying my hair, then the rest of my body gets the other end of the towel.
2016-2020 was the age of too stupid to break everything. Now we’re staring down the barrel of “The files are in the computer?” But the entire US government is the computer.
Terry Prachett theorized that the only thing faster than light is monarchial succession. As you can see here, when the king dies, the first in line becomes king instantaneously.
Anyone on Loops? I tried signing up a few days ago, but the sign up page wasn’t working. Now the landing page says they aren’t accepting new users.
And personally, I believe that any community that pretends to be idiots, are.
Just like with some of the 4chan idiots though, there is little functional difference between being a true believer nazi and merely pretending to be one.
All I see is 5 minutes of the protagonist not listening (yadda yadda) to expressed needs, then getting upset at the word active being used again.
This comment has made my day worse.
Out of pocket has an alternate meaning of someone doing something out of line or wildly inappropriate.
Unless they fall into the industrial equipment, then you absolutely cannot take the children out of the jam factory.
I know they’re going for an iPhone vibe, but the “camera” setup gives me much more galaxy S21-22.
Honestly? Interesting tactic. Look so ridiculous that everyone at the airport is too embarrassed to ask if that’s a half kilo of coke under a toupee.
I remember a phase in my childhood where I could only get Realplayer to open some series of anime that I was into at the time that I had downloaded.
Could you imagine the psychological damage of having your adult mind shoved back into your 6 year old self? You’d be unable to relate to or even tolerate any of your peers, so say goodbye to any childhood friendships. You’d be unstimulated by the mountain of busy work in school and frustrated by all the topics you’d have to relearn. I personally would go through all of the procrastination troubles again. There are plenty of traumatic events that you would not be able to prevent or even affect. Nevermind that you are still carrying that trauma with you, you’re just trying to not re-live it. Develop any chronic illnesses? Maybe you can get treated quicker but you still have to watch your health decline. It’ll be a decade before you have any kind of autonomy to do any stocks or Bitcoin type stuff, unless you want to become some prophetic wünderkind. As far as I’m aware, mt gox was one of the only reliable places to get Bitcoin, until it wasn’t. I don’t know the day that it fell apart off the top of my head.
I never understand why anyone would choose the “do it all over again” scenarios.
At 14, I looked back on 10 year old me and thought “wow what an idiot I was.”
At 18, I looked back on 14 year old me and thought “wow what an idiot I was.”
At 22, I started noticing a pattern.
If they even hear about it.