Bro are you a bot? Why are you replying to yourself.
Bro are you a bot? Why are you replying to yourself.
I feel like now both linux users and vegans fill the same social niche of being the most defensive and annoying person in the room.
The most vulnerable person is a black trans woman, she is also a conservative, I did not think people like her existed until I met her.
This is why I have 3 5tb m2 drives. I get lots of bitches with them
I’d rather get paid for my bodily material rather than give it for free.
This isnt a bad thing you dinkledoodle
I think it might be the clinical word vagina vs wee wee, but vajayjay still would be weird in this context. Honestly, dont show strangers your kids genitals.
Call me shane dawson because I wanna put my dick near this cat.
Some of these are not words, this guy sucks at scrabble.
colonialism. Britan looked like that a few centuries ago
You know bread has sacs in it, like polysaccarides.
No, collective trauma is proven. Collective ptsd is not.
I never said collective trauma does not exist
There is no moral issue.
Collective ptsd is not real and anyone who uses that term should be mocked mercilessly for the rest of their life.
You cant steal data. violating copyright (Which ai training does not do) is not theft.
webp is better than jpeg, png or any other file format
you can say fuck
wait why should deaf people enjoy music? And not through vibrations but LYRICS?!?!
Water is wet because people think water is wet.