I test drove one because I had to know. It was awful. I’ve driven dozens of different vehicles and it by far is the worst I’ve ever driven. It’s just stupid. Everything about it is stupid.
It also felt satisfying to cost Tesla like $10 in electricity and wear and tear.
They couldn’t without asking questions. That’s on me, I lost my cool a bit. I’m getting tired of people like them who are happy to ask others to throw their lives away, people they neither know nor care anything about, but won’t do the same themselves.
They’re just looking for people to blame for issues they feel they can’t control, and my mistake is interacting with them at all.
Another brave keyboard warrior advocating a disabled guy assassinate one of the most heavily guarded politicians in the world. I’m assuming you’re able bodied, what’s your excuse for not doing it?
Sure, I’ll singlehandedly control the US population as soon as someone tells me how to do it.
I’m a Washingtonian and I’ve voted, protested, and in every way possible fought against politicians like this for decades.
This isn’t the classic United States “fucking over other countries for US gain”. Trump and the MAGA cronies are also fucking over the US for personal gain. They’ve fooled the most gullible, ignorant fraction of the population into supporting them despite it being against their best interests, a fraction that continues to grow due to decades of intense propaganda, sabotaged public education, and political cultism.
We’re all victims here. Some more than others but, with the exception of those supporting the fascist MAGA movement with full knowledge of what they truly stand for, everyone in the world is a victim.
Yeah, it’s way too woke. Same with Jesus.
My nice but moronic neighbor is one of those “but he just talks a lot of shit, he won’t do that” types. Surprise: he does talk a lot of shit and he’s increasingly doing that shit too.
Who do you think he paid to make this for him? The same guy that plays his video games?
It sounds like you can opt for a seedling sized plant and you’ll be fine!
Isopods have terrible penmanship.
Well duh, every woman has a pussy goblin until she pees it out on her 21st birthday!
Not OP, but I’m about 8 hours in and love it so far. It definitely has a few things I’d prefer it tweak, like a lack of HDR support on PC and no custom map markers, but they’re simply annoying, not deal breakers.
I’d love to be a stay-at-home parent, but I make more money because I have the outside genitalia whereas my partner has the inside genitalia plus chest ornaments, so she’d be the smart choice. That’s literally the biggest difference (beyond her being a much harder worker and my having a disability), yet I make 1.5x her salary. Humans are fucking stupid.
We only make it because of our two incomes, so no one gets to stay home or have kids. Yeah America!
Wait, vag magnets are pseudoscience?! My partner has an entire data center’s worth of HDD magnets up hers to ward the evil crotch spirits away!
I’m assuming they’re looking to buy after this condo sale. If that’s the case, they may not have much choice as their next place will be similarly insanely inflated, so they need that money to get the monthly payment to something affordable.
That’s the position my partner and I are in. We have equity in our house, but it’s mostly because it has “appreciated” to a level that we could never afford, despite making a combined over quarter million dollars a year (due to living in a high cost of living area). Even if we sold our house at full inflated market price and used it all as a down payment, we’d be hard pressed to afford a place with the same price.
It’s not that I’m complaining about the equity, it just doesn’t get me much when everything else is insanely inflated. We barely squeaked into the place we’re in because COVID tanked interest rates and prices in our area.
So you misread my comment but you’re one of those types who can’t admit when they’re wrong. I’d say it’s our little secret but I see someone else pointed it out too.
So then you’re in favor of these government backdoors? Because your comment suggests the opposite.
As a (hopefully soon to be ex) American: do it! Pull all our whiskeys. Between the UK, Ireland, Canada, and Japan, you can replace just about anything we make.