I’m stuck in Riven!
I’m stuck in Riven!
Why are you not huge on cats? Have you not owned one?
Don’t forget “Muffin Man”
Some of the older COD games had guns you could only get with real money, and they were overpowered. Nowadays it seems even free to play games have mostly cosmetic micro transactions.
Yeah but he doesn’t work there anymore, why would Apple lawyers be able to stop him from saying this? He also calls Apple “the good guy” when it comes to privacy.
Looks more like a pickup car.
Wym night? We can see the sun!
Check the pinned megathread post, should have what you’re looking for.
They lowered the prices of the the games already available, but today they added everything before c&c 3 and red alert 3 to steam.
Brags about wars she would’ve been intelligible to fight in.
It’s on steam, and you can switch between new and old controls
Actually, a grand pa
Good one! You also put the punch line in the title, like my dad would do
Just carrying on the European tradition
And yet, we all have smartphones in our pocket tracking our every footstep.
Real reason Activision and Blizzard merged