Looks like this antique pocket field microscope
Looks like this antique pocket field microscope
Since I most likely won’t out live my wife, and she doesn’t want to live without me, we have agreed on a murder/suicide when we are getting up there
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
Lol! I literally know just enough French to not have to actually look up what those words literally mean. Now I really wish I’d taken spanish in high school
I feel like it could be interpreted as genocide, not just a little death. Unless Yoshi are like dear and need population control
I really don’t think it is, there is only one person on this list who LITTERALLY DIES FOR THEM ALL THE TIME! Yoshi all the way!
I love celebrity death match, it was so ridiculous! Still have a copy of the game
Lol I was gunna say he’s too distracting to be safe for work but I like this answer better
What shoes do wear the most?
Also would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?
Edit: added a question
My foreman would always say “Love my job” in a happy tone after anything bad happened on a job site. The happier the tone, the worse it was
It’s my first day
One could argue that as alot of us are exredditors we would be the more progressive or left side of the crowd. Something happened we didn’t like so we left it behind for something we hope will be better and put in the effort to make it so as opposed to staying with what we know and really waiting things out before choosing a new direction. It would have been easy to stay with reddit, hell I could go back in an instant and it would be like I never left, but I chose this new path and I’m sticking with it. That is what progress is all about
That’s Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to you! And he politely inquires if you can recognize the arouma of what he is currently sauteing?
Sadly NASA recalculated, it won’t collide with earth for over a century. But they could be wrong, Fingers crossed! Edit:my grammar sucks
All are also mentioned in the old and new testaments. Again you can’t just blanket a single religion this way with out claiming these atrocities are their and only their fault. The problem here is the post insinuates all Islamic people are pro atrocity and that is plainly untrue.
While I am generally against large organized religion, if your going to point the finger, point it those actually doing it not just the people you don’t like. And if if you wanna point at Hamas your going to have to point at Isreal, Russia, China, the US, all forms of Christianity, Jewdeism, Islam, ect ect ect
Honestly I was wrong for upvoting based on capitalism. You know who commits atrocity? Humans, end of story.
Damn this was my guess
As an addict myself I can say basically yes. Not always to that extreme, think of the smoker who starts eating more. Maybe you get into marathon running? Well that’s just a hobby, right? Maybe or maybe it’s filling that gap alcohol used to fill. It’s hard to say. When you break it down, from my experience, addicts are filling some kind of hole with drugs, so when you take the drugs out most people want to fill that hole. For the short time I was in AA 90% people chained smoked and only drank coffee or soda, the 10% who didn’t found Jesus.
So can some addicts get by without something else, yea probably. But for most, ultimately the hole will be filled, just hope it’s with something positive. For alot of us, it’s just a different drug to be honest.
I really like the keyboard tray, folding under the table is great for dice or small plates or bowls for snaking.
I want to steal that footer