As a heavy tiktok user I would probably only use this if it had an algorithmic feed.
Swapping to new phones is really dreadful because of apps installs. It seems like the whole process is great EXCEPT app installs.
The article talks about why they’d prefer to shut down if you take their word it. Essentially the US is such a tiny portion of ByteDances revenue, it would be more optimal to shut down then to risk the sale of their algorithm. Assuming they’re using relatively similar algorithms on Douyin, and they don’t want whoever they sell to to turn around and sell to their Chinese competition, which is where the real money is being made for ByteDance.
I really hope they’re calling for divestments. I love the sentiment of “We demand a free Palestine” but unfortunately won’t accomplish much as realistically that’s unattainable from their current situation.
Protesting for university and highschool divestments from Israel/those involved is a much better use of their power in a way that can make long-term strides towards a truly freev Palestine / non terroristic Israel.
Hard to pin the blame singularly on one when the other is complicit in the same system.
Haven’t read the books, but isn’t Paul/Leto II taking the golden path ironically an implied long-term hope for humanity? >!Since it’s understood humanity will die out otherwise.!<
Are US kids’ already dwindling attention spans going to be saved from exposure to the TikTok algorithm? Yes.
You’re pinning the blame on tiktok when this also applies to YouTube (shorts and not), Instagram (Reels), Twitter. If we wanted an actual solution here we would implement actual children screen time laws, ironically similar to the under 18 gaming laws that have been implemented in China.
Tiktok is the only platform I’ve seen legitimate progressive movement on various issues and discussions centering on what that means and takes, in a way that actually fosters a great democratic progressive movement in the US.
From all I’ve read on this issue, not a single person has provided me with any insight into what or who this benefits that does not also apply to every other social media other than an entirely fabricated myth that they’re controlling the algorithms to spread anti US sentiment. Anti-US sentiment definitely exists, but it exists as a discussion around what the US is currently doing. I.e. funding Israel, and as a counterargument to that I am also fed state department interviews on my FYP.
Personally I’ve worked out for years doing primarily the big 4, and have gotten good results. Occasionally id do assistance work but not usually. The only thing that’s noticeable are my arms and back are a little lacking in definition imo, but not severely. Id say you should be fine, especially if you plan to pick it up more accessory work later on.
I also lift on the heavier side of my %ORM for strength though.
Platforms such as TikTok operate on “pushing” content the algorithm wants instead of users “pulling” content they want to see
This is just outright wrong, like hilariously wrong and if you used the platform for more than 10 minutes you’d see that. Tiktok is the ONLY social media that feeds me content I want to see as accurately and often as I want. It will even adjust the videos I see within the same 30 minute session to feed me more of what I’m favoring within that 30 minute session.
There is not any other single social media that does this.
In the same vein Bloomberg just did a great study on ChatGPT 3.5 ranking resumes and it had an extremely noticeable bias of ranking black names lower than the average and Asian/white names far higher despite similar qualifications.
Archive source:
Absolute banger of a game
They threatened the same with Seattle and surprise surprise they’re still here. They did pass the entire fee onto the consumer though, which sucks ass but at least gig workers are being paid.
Not sure if you already take creatine but it helps my recovery out quite a bit. It won’t help much in terms of sleep though, might try magnesium for that.
From the Brave PR account:
Also I believe it was legally required by the EU. List is randomized.
The can very easily apply to every single social media.
For psilocybin I haven’t seen much, but I have seen a lot regarding Ketamine which has had very optimistic research as well.
There’s was a surprisingly great 6 minute video from CNN done on this in January.
Second longest game winning buzzer beater ever!
This is referring to the team working on the self driving functionality.
Lol, curious if he’s truly day to day or will be out for the rest of the series