So basically Biden with a less shitty stance on Palestine. I’ll take it!
So basically Biden with a less shitty stance on Palestine. I’ll take it!
We expect biden to.
No we don’t. Some of us believe there’s a shadow of a prayer he might be pushed into it by Democrat party leaders and his own advisors, but even the politicos calling for his withdrawal have been clear that they expect him to lurch his way to an electoral disaster.
I see the down votes, but I took this as a Wag the Dog reference. They’re pointing out just how terrible an idea it is for Biden and the democrats to keep trying to sleepwalk through this election while Trump and the republicans pull out all the rhetorical stops.
Which is honestly a better ratio than I would have expected.
Same as it ever was.
There are two sides to the equation though - depopulation and repopulation. Hate and discrimination may not be causing (most of) the exodus, but inclusion and acceptance could be part of the solution. I’ve known more than a few people who have wanted to move to rural areas but have avoided them for exactly that reason. The braver ones have made the move, but only as a group able to support and protect each other.
Here you go, but it appears to be down at the moment.
Can’t help noticing that you make no mention of providing similar defensive capabilities to Palestine. Kind of undercuts your argument.
Braking time/distance. Sure it can go 126mph but how quick can it get back to zero.
Same as any other motorcycle. An oblivious land yacht driver changes lanes without noticing it, and the brick wall stops it almost instantaneously.
Depends on the cat. Surely true for a bonded pair like this, but I had one cat who for the remaining ~10 years of her life never got past the grudging acceptance stage when we adopted a second, then a third. That second cat reacted similarly when another cat joined the household years later.
Having known multiple trans people and heard them talk about the arguments for and against early disclosure: Fear.
They may not be public about their status, and fear exposure to family or coworkers seeing their public profile.
They may fear harassment from transphobes. This could range from DM accusations of pedophilia to religious screeds to doxxing to death threats.
They may be trying to avoid “chasers.” There are some people for whom a trans body (particularly a transfem body) is a fetish, who don’t actually care about the person inside. Plenty of transpeople don’t appreciate that kind of attention.
Fear of rejection. They may believe that nobody will respond if they’re open about not being cis.
Also two less fear-related (and less common) possibilities:
Ideology. To some people, specifying “transman” or “transwoman” reinforces a social distinction they find invalidating or don’t accept. How many profiles have you seen that specify themselves as “cisman” or “ciswoman”? For these people, it’s a way of rejecting cisgender normativity.
Maybe they just aren’t ready to talk about their genitals yet, or have their first conversation be about their surgical plans or history. Not only can get really repetitive having that be the first conversation with every single match, it means they don’t get any of the information they’re looking for about a potential partner until much later in the process and have to invest a lot of their own time up front. Just like you want the salient information you care about early on, so do they.
But she has no way to know that, and a lifetime of evidence to suggest that your attitude isn’t the universal male perspective. Since she doesn’t know you personally, the risk outweighs whatever benefit she gets from the high five.
It’s called Survivor’s Guilt. It may not be rational, but emotions often aren’t. And yes, they’re likely to wind up with it for both surviving the October 7th raid AND for the deaths in the raid that freed them. Along with all sorts of other trauma related mental health issues.
My apologies - I should have caught that. Fixed.
deleted by creator
Something I haven’t seen mentioned yet - who is the company’s HIPAA “Compliance Officer”? If it’s anyone other than your boss, you could document the situation to them in an e-mail. If you want to be slick about it, ask them if there is “still any compliance need to keep the replacement machine ready or if it would be OK to repurpose it, given [your boss’s name here]'s decision not to move forward with the upgrade.” They’re on the hook for compliance violations, so they’ll likely see to it.
I would also suggest making a habit from now on of documenting verbal conversations that result in actionable decisions in short e-mails to the other party: " To recap our discussion, [bullet point list]"
You can excuse this as being for your own reference so you don’t forget any to-do items or so that they can correct any misunderstanding on your part, but it makes for a fantastic CYA if that ever becomes necessary. For really important items likely to bite someone later, print a paper copy if you don’t fully own and control the machine AND the e-mail local archive. Only bring those out if absolutely necessary, as in when SOMEBODY will be fired or you’re about to be legally scapegoated. They’ll save your butt once, but it will probably be time to start looking for another job because the boss will think either that you should have pushed harder earlier to fix the issue or be worried about their inability to scapegoat you in the future.
The last time it went to the Supreme Court, they couldn’t make up their minds. The current court would probably support it.
Little Bunny Foo Foo, I don’t wanna see you …