Hmm, mmyes, teefer creature
(She/her) Just a gal who likes games, movies, tea, and vibing. Likes long walks in the forests.
Hmm, mmyes, teefer creature
Let’s motivate them with a controlled shock
I want to die
They shopped until they dropped
It’s really amazing that NN:EE (Love that acronym BTW) is still getting worked on. I love seeing what comes out of a passionate community/developer
SO IT WASN’T JUST MY DUMBASS. Thank you, you have no idea how much better that makes me feel XD
Funnily enough, I figured it out really fast, like I GET IT, it was a very strange and wonky mechanic to suddenly hit players with, but i was immediately wiggling around the moment I got on it, trying to figure out what they wanted and noticed that I was bouncing a little more when I moved up and down. So kind of… like pure chance I got out alive lol
Slightly unfair to say, though. Hogwarts Legacy got a multiplatform release. TOTK only released on Switch.
Counter-point for fairness, It’s impressive that TOTK got that many sales on it’s own while being stuck on one platform!
Either way, 2023 was a good year for gaming. Lots of fun stuff got released and I hope we can keep this trend going.
Damn, you accidentally did a challenge run!
Gee, you were feeling poetic today!
That’s a pro Civvie-11 reference right there