Typescript doesn’t run in browser. It gets translated to js by some build steps. I would also say it’s only mostly type safe. You can kind of trick the system if you don’t know what you’re doing or don’t like your coworkers.
Typescript doesn’t run in browser. It gets translated to js by some build steps. I would also say it’s only mostly type safe. You can kind of trick the system if you don’t know what you’re doing or don’t like your coworkers.
Do it and show them, I guess.
My nose kinda looks like his
Yeah, i bounced off Dicey Dungeon too, but had a lot of fun with S&D.
The space age expansion for Factorio is huge, I feel like I’ve played it for 3 times as long as I did the base game and still not finished. I was not a fan of the bugs at first but I started to realize that they’re not really too much of an actual challenge it problem, they sorry if just serve as another pressure for developing your factory in a certain way.
I really liked the logistical side of the game Mindustry but eventually the “tower defense” aspects overwhelmed the fun of rooting materials and stuff. I wonder if it has some sort of peaceful mode though, I should look for it again.
Another thought is Dungeons of Aether, though it’s shorter than other Roguelites, a bit easier to “figure out” so it isn’t as interesting as some, and hasa lot more story elements so it might be too distracting as a passive game.
I played it on mobile but it’s on pc as well- Slice & Dice. A really fun dice based roguelite. Liked it a little more than peglin and balatro.
Lately I’ve been playing Factorio a lot with something on my other monitor but idk if it meets your criteria as well.
It had great mood and feeling. Cheat codes made it playable for young me. Rented it many times.
I didn’t know how beautiful it could be
With mods. It’s not hard to mod on pc, mind you, but the vanilla experience is definitely less.
Anyone here using the VCMI project? Really impressive what they’ve done
Instead of the melodies, break down the chord progressions used.
Listen to the types of sounds used. If synths, play around with creating ones that invoke similar feelings to the ones used in the game you’re inspired by. I really like Helm personally and find you can do tons with it. You can look for other free vst’s too if you are looking for real instruments. If you have infinite time and a desire to learn, vcv rack can do almost anything.
As for DAWs, if you’re looking for one, I like reaper for it’s affordability but you need to just weigh your needs and what different products offer.
Why’d you post a video instead of a link to the mod?
Just leaving this here for anyone who is curious about the subject
It’s only kind of a rogue like from what I could tell. It doesn’t really have permanent death, though the dungeons are random each time you enter so if you die in one you need to start anew in there.
It’s cool though
I’m happy with it either way. I’m not sure why people have strong feelings about it.
I started a fire in an apartment I was going to move into because I was mopping and water got into an outlet that was on the floor
Because slang doesn’t follow rules
Chicks are baby chickens. All hens and roosters are chickens. Does that answer your question?
Also GPW3 was finally released in November
It’s a fun game, with picking up and trying out!
I don’t listen to singles.