This is going to be interesting
The diagnostic software environment I use to test graphics card VRAM only boots in legacy mode. TServer and Memtune are both internal AMD Tools that have leaked. So far, older boards that support Legacy / CSM have been the ideal platform as a test bench for graphics card repair.
Probably going to be quite the shakeup in the graphics card repair community’s toolkit if the updated version of Memtune for 9xxx cards ever leaks.
Predecessor managed to capture the feel of Halo/Destiny gunplay with Portal mixed in
I meant that I was on the beta branch for SteamOS / Decky Loader, thoygh perhaps Junk Store too. I figured it was likely a conflict with another plugin (probably something in CSS Loader) but hadn’t bothered to diagnose which.
I’ll totally be giving it another shot since it seems awesome :)
Seems like I should give Junk-Store another shot I had installed it back when I was on beta branch and it was… funky. It had me sign in to Epic and then the frame / overlay wouldn’t go away, I had to force restart my Deck just to make it usable again.
I tried a few times here and there and ran into the same issue, so it’s just been sitting installed as a spooky button.
That’s what Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Google Workspace Starter, and Proton Mail Essentials are all priced at. Seems like the market price to me
I’ve had a Switch since it launched. For the most part, it collected dust - it saw use around certain major game releases and that’s it.
My Steam Deck has completely displaced my high end (well, for 2021) gaming PC - anything that doesn’t run well natively is easily streamed over the network from that PC. I can hang out in the living room watching TV with my partner.
The emulation capabilities have allowed me to conveniently tap back into my entire childhood of gaming, even extending into some titles that I had missed.
The biggest thing has been having access to the entire PC gaming content library. Sales, free Epic games, Amazon Prime Gaming - it’s all there. It’s a far better value proposition than the Switch.
Garry’s Mod
It’s hard to think of any one mod that got remotely close to changing a game the way GMod did for HL2/CS:S/source engine titles. I spent thousands of hours in GMod as a kid, it added infinite teplaya ility to the HL2 campaign, forums like Facepunch and PHWOnline became my second home. There was a ton of content to be loaded from there and FPSBanana, the thriving webcomic scene was truly special.
Man, that really sucks. the art direction in each of the games he worked on was unlike anything else out there. He really brought something special to those projects.
A few things stand out to me in your screenshot.
It lists the GPU as consuming 0W, which is likely not true. Based on that, the power / current limit reason is probably inaccurate
Your temperatures are both well below TJ Max for those components, so I don’t see the Temp limit reason as valid either.
Your GPU utilization is at around 50%, but I also see your framerate at an even 144 - I would surmise that you have vsync enabled.
They put a rover in Starfield last year
Elder Scrolls has had horses since Oblivion
Fucking finally
Not a mycologist, but those do look like Psilocybe Cyaanescens / Wavy Caps to me.
One of the defining traits of Pailocybin mushrooms is that they bruise blue where touched / handled / damaged, but that doesn’t seem evident in these pictures.
You should, it’s quite powerful and can work in tandem with both DMDE and UFS Explorer!
Power cycling the drive reboots and reinitializes it. I’ve mostly seen it with SSDs - you get a few dozen MB worth of reads before it drops out, unplugging and reconnecting a SATA power connector that many times would be real tedious so you automate it with a relay.
I own a repair shop and use USB to SATA adapters all the time. Sector scans, imaging/cloning, and booting live environments.
It has less to do with the medium and more to do with the quality of your chosen adapter.
I have one of the adapter you pictured, ordered it to test it out because it was comparatively low cost. Did not order more.
I have about a dozen of the Sabrent adapters and they see daily use.
USB can actually be ideal in some data recovery scenarios. HDDSuperClone / OpenSuperClone support a relay mode that turns a disk off and back on to regain access after they drop out, and that is reliant on a USB connection.
Use of pepper spray is typically appropriate in self defense, so in response to a threat of physical violence.
I didn’t see a clear threat of physical violence in the video.
Camera guy probably landed himself an assault charge with that escalation.
I don’t understand why you were downvoted for asking this question. I’ve literally watched techs cause this damage by trying to open the lid with the back cover screws removed.
Most laptops have at least one screw on each side that goes through both the back cover and the hinge. If the hinge is normally affixed with 3 screws and you open the lid with one missing, each mount is taking on that extra stress.
Best practice is to reinstall those screws before opening the lid with the back cover removed.
The one I have been using successfully for the last 2+ years is made by “Carlinkit”
Every now and then, it will take a long time or outright fail to pair, requiring that I power cycle it. Happens maybe every 2-3 weeks, I average 2-4 pairings per day.
Otherwise, the experience is mostly seamless.
I’ve spent a lot of time with Halo 3’s Battle Rifle, it remains a favorite to this day and I was overjoyed when I finally got to combine it with a mouse