As an American myself, I agree. Please kill me.
As an American myself, I agree. Please kill me.
I’m not actually too worried. He surrounds himself with champions.
Does nothing? DOES NOTHING?! He spent the last few years ripping Microsoft a new a@@hole, rendering their operating system meaningless for gamers! …but nice meme
Reality has to BE.
See that extended lower bit below the doors? That’s a wheelchair van.
You’re not wrong OP, except this time YOU should offer to do it.
I’d say no, it’s not moral, but at the same time, I wouldn’t be upset to see it happening more often. Get photos.
We’re all such buffoons. McD’s in my area changed to an all plastic cup with a flip-open top so we wouldn’t need straws (so we can waste more plastic?!?!?) but for some fucked reason still always hands a plastic straw with the drink anyway, and hasn’t changed back to paper cups, presumably because people complained.
Fuck off, humanity.
“REE” is right. I have a 10 pound sledge that can fix this RIGHT up. Just doin’ my part for humanity.
Idea: Lead-lined underwear with wires inside that when scanned says “Fuck you” on the front and “Eat shit” on the back
This isn’t one of those cases, but I agree those can exist. They don’t justify a salaried full time position though.
One of my bosses (yes, I DO have more than 1) has a sign on his desk- “nobody knows what I do until I don’t do it.”
Today they downloaded 23GB of porn to an external ssd and lost $1,235 in their personal portfolio.
Don’t fuck with the lead IT person.
“But why don’t you block the porn, Reygle?” NEVER interrupt management when they’re making a mistake.
Lying in general wears me down, but if I told a client or passer-by how I’m actually doing I’d be drugged out of my mind in a padded room by the end of the week. Occasionally I “squeak by” with a “Any day above ground, right?” This can’t be healthy.
The Verge is an absolute pile of flaming dog shit, but a broken clock is right twice a day.
About 25 years so far. Recently went to one of my oldest friends’ funerals.
I’m only 45.
Definitely don’t do that. Rapidly letting all of the air out is VERY VERY LOUD. Instead, “do not” have a valve stem tool in your pocket and DEFINITELY do not barely loosen the stem core so that it leaks out slower but much more quietly, allowing you to be long gone when they “go flat”.
I hope that normal people will now realize how full of sh*t he is. They won’t, but DON’T TAKE THIS FROM ME
Good. Let’s keep this ball rolling.
Just for the record, the HDMI consortium can place their mouths on my genitals and consume my waste
Wisconsin, US here. My county went 70% for Trump this time. That’s versus ~48% in 2016. The problem isn’t democracy. The problem is the people. Pissed as hell for all the wrong reasons at all the wrong people. Unable to see reality, expecting that the person in charge could make it a utopia with the flick of a switch. The average American is delusional and irreparably stupid.
We constantly joke that it’s Idiocracy, but the truth is…
Funny thing, the internet. -Includes all of humanity. One of the many downsides.