Not sure if same program but didn’t we send alot of money to Ukrane that was seized Russian funds?
Not sure if same program but didn’t we send alot of money to Ukrane that was seized Russian funds?
Do they record phone calls and face to face communication?
Unleash AOC. Put her at the front with backing she deserves from the party.
I would prefer knowing my money is going to people who have been systematically disadvantaged for this nation’s entire history.
I suppose your post could imply other minorities could be included but the way I read your comment gives off big WLM energy.
Edit: spelling
DeepSeek showed you can do the same work with less cards so Nvidia is going to sell less cards.
Imo it’s more specialized/Tribal. With so many podcasters you can shop/select someone that most aligns with your political opinion. Also since Podcaster are typically less bound by PC/Public opinion then outlets like even Fox News, you can get really specific.
You want redpill? Here you go. Want somone who think the earth is flat? Here you go. Vaccine skeptic? Sure.
If you have these beliefs, why would you not trust someone who says it like it is and agrees with you?
I think buying Eggs is Illegal. (Bad Trans Egg joke)
He is probably mentally unwell.
Edit: Phrasing
It’s because the times aren’t the same. Maybe same unit but different context so they can’t be canceled.
It’s like saying you work 8 Hours/day (Eight hours per day). Both are units of time, but their context is different and their combination forms a new meaning beyond the units.
1 KWh is using 1KW for one hour. Because of demand pricing the time you use that KW is important. Like in terms of energy grid using a whole ton of power for one minute vs same total over a long time is different and important dispite being the same amount of energy.
Edit: some phrasing
My guess is that the game gets really repative because that is kinda the Tyranid style. Waves and waves of teeth and claws. Maybe some variations, but how long can you send swarms of the same guy before its boring.
I guess Vermintide and 40k version (can’t remember name) make it work but they are very different games.
On any particular side there are two lines that connect to each number. But you follow the line alighted with the number on that axis towards whatever point inside the triangle.
Go from the axis to the point instead of the point to the axis.
Although, you can still figure out which line is for which axis based off the angle of the number.
For example, the numbers for clay are horizontal and are associated with the horizontal lines.
Follow the lines that match the angles of the numbers.
He hasn’t gotten time to end world hunger because he can’t control himself and is distracted perving. It’s why the church is so against it.
The crime that most people are talking about when referencing “crime” is violent crime.
For his voters, his lies and fabrications are the truth. They don’t listen to fact checking because they are conditioned to see it as fake and a goverment ploy to fool them.
I absolutely suck at it too. Was a good time to practice
Don’t use the tools then. On my mage I specifically don’t use Comet or Mimic Tear because I think they are too strong. From software didn’t remove any tools from the game that let’s you make it challenging.
All the other games had OP shit too. DS1 had BKH and Chaos zweihander. So easy to get super strong wepons. DS2 had some crazy dark magic BS. DS3 also had crazy dark magic BS with greater soul dredge. I killed nameless king with like 5 casts in NG+.
They didn’t sacrifice anything in Elden Ring, they made a great series more available to everyone.
I see it more from the “Mythological” aspect. Less face simular and more both are legends and should be immortalized as statues.
Edit: To be clear I am not supporting the comparison. I am just explaining my take on the attempted symbolism of the image.