When my phone is on low brightness it looks teal, when it’s bright it looks more turquoise, either way I’d say more blue than green
When my phone is on low brightness it looks teal, when it’s bright it looks more turquoise, either way I’d say more blue than green
I believes this ams called a “foods libraries”
Every day we stray further from god’s light
They’re a lot better these days, but I remember 15 years ago I had to spend hours in a command line just to get Linux to recognize my video card, much less utilize it properly. It’s definitely come a long long way but still far from perfect
I choose to accept this as absolute truth
It’s called a roly-poly and I will tolerate no disagreement, good day to you
That sounds like a debuff from Morrowind or something
You didn’t have to come for me like that lol
Andor and Rogue One can stay.
Sounds like somebody straight from hell
Check out this dude trying to Montoyasplain us
I’m pretty sure it does, it looks visible through the wheel. I also think it’s kind of telling that in the first picture the wheel is already off the car, it doesn’t show them removing the lug nuts at all.
My dog is actually pretty racist, she doesn’t like white people lol
health bar expands to fill the entire width of the screen
You’re 10,000 candles in the wind!
Not so fast, buddy. We’re gonna need an Environmental Impact Study before we can even think about permits.
My favorite was Trogdor. Legend has it he’s still burninating the countryside to this very day
My friends and family know not to call me unless somebody is dead or dying. It’s worked out pretty well so far