Shit like this makes me glad to have left that dumpster fire long ago.
Shit like this makes me glad to have left that dumpster fire long ago.
I live in a small town in Alaska, more than 300 miles from the nearest decently sized city. It’s been more than two years since I’ve given Amazon a single dime. You’ll manage if you care enough to try.
You just listed things that you can pick up at any number of local stores. That stupid convenience of ordering crap instead of just adding it to the shopping list is why people think going a week without using Amazon will “disrupt the system.” This is exactly the problem.
Too fucking bad, shitstick. When the ship sinks I hope he’s chained to the fucking mast.
Do you guys really rely on Amazon so much that one week without feels like a protest? Seriously?
Oh I didn’t refuse to participate, and I still encourage any effort we can manage, but these “don’t buy anything on X days” concepts are themselves just deeply flawed. Don’t buy anything for a week? Alright so either I just don’t eat for a week, or I’m only offsetting purchases to before and after. It still doesn’t make a dent. If your protest doesn’t hurt the corpos, they don’t care. Showing we can organize is great, but iterating on this format can’t be the end goal.
If I wanted to interact with AI content I would be on Reddit.
The problem I’ve found with the “Buy nothing days” is that it’s not really encouraging buying less. With the possible exception of a few in the moment things, it’s really just pushing purchasing to the day before or the day after. Someone seeing economic data for that specific day might notice something, but even just factor in the day before and the day after and it’s not going to make much of a difference. It didn’t cost the corpos anything, so they won’t even notice.
Most of us want the shithead gone just as bad as you do, but too many dumbshits decided they’d rather not stop him because the alternative wasn’t perfect. I hate it here.
cross-posted to: conservative politics
They only voted for the racism and bigotry.
All the cruelty and hate, all the blatant lies and rampant criminality, that’s fine as long as he wasn’t lying about that one thing, right up until it’s her turn to get hurt and it turns out liars lie.
Well on the plus side, we can still die in the Climate Wars an avoid all this crap.
Probably because after they do, they crash and it will generally be assumed the crash is what killed them.
If anyone else acted to disrupt federal functionality like that they’d be in prison for treason.
Nobody elected this chucklefuck, he is actively harmful to the country and doing irreparable damage. Of all the people getting deported this fucker is the one that really deserves it.
Some things are worth it.
If we’re lucky they’ll destroy each other entirely.
“VIP” getting you a special booth at a restaurant or preferential treatment at a business is one thing.
“VIP” giving you special legal protections and immunity to prosecution is another. As bad as “VIP” bias is now, just wait until it’s actually codified into law and you’ll see why “Second class citizen” is such a ubiquitous term for the systematically oppressed.
They’re not even going to pretend that people are equal. The Donvict, President Musk, and the MAGAstappo deeply believe that rich white men are worth more than anyone who isn’t one of them, and will use the full force of the law as they interpret it to protect their interests.
Just you wait. They’re going to push for laws specifically protecting what they’ll call “High Value Citizens” or something to that effect. Give it time.
There’s going to come a point when the things we can’t say may need to be said. A time when the message is delivered with blank comments.
[ . . . ] will carry a message of it’s own that becomes much more difficult to ban.