•What do you think of these 17 political policies?
9 months ago- Republic? Good.
- Voting? Good. Removing votes from the incarcerated? Bad.
- Politicians/representatives should be paid.
- Universal arming? Definitely needs some caveats
- All legal proceeds should be free.
- They had their compensation already.
- State owning is first step to worker owning
- so, tax? Good.
- see above
- Fuck banks.
- Fuck cars; free public transport - gooood.
- All salary should cover looking after a family, regardless of the existence of one.
- Yep - separate the church
- Yep. Some inheritance (like a family home) is fine, but full-on wealth is ridiculous
- Does anyone need over like €100.000/year? No.
- Guaranteed work? Good.
- Free education? Goood.
This isn’t “world” news, is it?