Now that’s just the “create casus belli” from the Crusader Kings playbook.
Now that’s just the “create casus belli” from the Crusader Kings playbook.
Where’s the guy with the correct names for each type of wetland?
And that could be one if the “totally lifehack” ways of tieing your shoes that never make any sense.
If somebody cuts of the stern.
Make it the meme Skeletor quotes and I’m in.
Make an animatronic out of it.
Please let this finally happen. It’s absurd when normal people pay maybe 20-40% taxes depending on the country when the super rich almost don’t pay at all.
Microsoft is on a fuck up their product speedrun, ain’t it?
I’ve been reading " Windows 11 does this and that without asking your permission." Almost daily now. I wonder when Windows 11 will fingerbang my SO without permission next.
Haha thank you for the link, what a gigachadette
What happened, who’s the girl on the left?
I don’t get it. If the reason for this really is that there are not enogh workers present, then I why won’t the employees tell their employers to go fuck themselves? I mean it doesn’t sound like there aren’t enough job offers on the market.
From the inventor of the submarine, behold! The Topaerial!
I feel left out!
I wonder what the deal with India is here.
Mischief Makers, anyone?
It would be as disastrous as the impact to PC gaming when Gaben dies.
Is this legit or what? Where I am tjose things are wayy more expensive.
Also the high point of my interest in Star Wars in general. I lost all interest when they deleted the canon and then went full coward-mode with the sequels’ story. There were so many better stories to tell then the same shit all over again