I think keyboard users here refer to people who avoid using their mouse
I think that might happen more often on mastodon, since if you reply to a thread there, it gets boosted to all your followers.
It might be interesting to add a sorting method to Lemmy, that would bump posts every time a comment is added.
Perhaps something to turn on for each community individually ?
I saw the image and I was about to make a comment about the langoliers. Lovely story ^^
I use Tasks too :))
An unhealthy lifestyle can cause you to get fat but being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you live an unhealthy lifestyle.
The focus should be on the lifestyle and not on how people look.
That is a myth - for many people, trying to lose weight is counter productive to living a healthy life.
Sometimes sick people are/get fat and sometimes being fat can strain the body. But trying to make your body thinner than it wants to be is also associated with strain on the body.
I am not trying to say, that fatness and health are totally unrelated, but the correlation is not as important as our culture makes it out to be.
This article explains it quite nicely.
You can be fat without eating too much and it is okay to be fat.
For some people being fat is like being red-haired, just genetics and for others it might be caused by illness. In all cases, fat people still deserve respect.
I say this because stupid myths about and prejudice against fat people cause a lot of harm and even death.
All the visuals in the video seem to be generated by AI.
The video lists no sources, the claims are ridiculous and I couldn’t find anything to support the theory or even the existence of anything mentioned in the video.
The whole video seems bogus and made up.
What are the dev related ones ? :))
I try to keep this profile somewhat anonymous, so no proof for now (:
I already have a couple hand tattoos, but I definitely need this or some other dev related tattoo ^^
Letterboxed - an app like bookwyrm, but for movies. I’ve seen other people talk about it and I think some people are working on it, but AFAIK nothing is up atm
the “collective” is just me, my boyfriend and two of our friends :))
we’ve lived together for about 7 years and plan on keeping it going. I don’t know if collective is the right word to describe our living situation but I can’t think of a better word either :)
I like to collect mugs - nothing better than drinking your morning coffee from a crazy mug :))
I collect mugs with my boyfriend (and the rest of my collective) and it is such a nice hobby. I can almost always guess who brought the mug into the house, based on people’s interest.
Yesterday I drank coffe from a Friday the 13th Mug and I know one of my collectivists loves that series :))
the only issue, as with all collections, it takes up so much room in the kitchen 🥲
I’ve worked in shipping for a couple months and I can only say this: People should order way less stuff online or make sure they are using an ethical shipping company (if they even exist).
the industry prays on young people (often minorities) who have trouble getting other jobs. they almost exclusively hire people with short term contracts (because your body can’t take the work for more than a few months). I’ve been part of a union for a long time and I know a lot about work safety. These companies teach people nothing and they can only meet their deadlines if people actively break their backs twisting around, doing unsafe lifts and generally working to fast.
I get that shipping is sometimes necessary, but it can only be as fast and cheap as it is, because poor people pay with their bodies.
It is always returning false, but the screen shows a test, where a non-prime evaluating as false is a pass and a prime evaluating as false is a fail :))
Friends With Benefits
and Female-Female-Male
sounds like a fun comic ^^
I had no idea (the CEO of) Brave was so bad 😢
I dream of owning such a cup 😍