Lol, no.
Alt-right is already declaring her a martyr and firing up their base. Even Russia chimed in, proclaiming European democracies as fake now. With absolutely zero self-awareness. Navalny-who?
Lol, no.
Alt-right is already declaring her a martyr and firing up their base. Even Russia chimed in, proclaiming European democracies as fake now. With absolutely zero self-awareness. Navalny-who?
If it is determined without a doubt that he’s an Agent, the government he spied for will be contacted to see if there are any deals to be made. If not, he will simply be prosecuted and jailed for later use. The fact that he is prosecuted and why will be made public, but the actual prosecution not for national security reasons.
Alright this is knee-jerk speculation, but the only reason I can think of for the FBI collecting evidence like this (the moving boxes) and the university not saying anything, is because it was determined Prof. Wang is a Chinese agent. It’s very unlikely ICE would come after professors, could do it silently, and someone in an area of expertise that is highly sought-after would be deported at all. And they wouldn’t include the FBI either.
Not saying you’re automatically wrong, but that is 36 days old, which is 5 years in Trump years. A lot more people have been fired since then. More telling, Republicans just recently prevented a snap election in an usually safe district for fears their party might lose it. Even if Trump’s personal approval is high (and 44% is not exactly convincing either), the GOP as a whole seems in deep trouble.
Meh. This meme is straight up lifted from /pol/, and people there usually go “I voted for this EXACTLY” when news break about how foreigners are abducted from streets and Vance is preparing for an ideological war with Europe.
“Moderates” and old geezer Republicans fell for his lies (again), big surprise. You won’t find them here. The people who made this meme (originally about Israel by the way) only lament how Trump has still not publicly executed Obama and Pelosi.
America’s involvement was never secret though. And it should have been a lot more (more involvement, not “more secret”).
Based Chuddah. Nothing ever happens.
That dude is less funny than Trump himself.
No tinfoil needed, but keep it because you’re right and the government might microwave you to death now.
Do you remember how and why JD Vance was picked as Trumps running mate? Despite you know…everything Vance said about Trump before then? Donald barely even knew him. But his son did. Via Thiel. They will 100% get rid of Trump if he ever steps out of line, and he knows it.
When Canada started investigating this, Trump started his threats of invasion.
Just in case you still don’t know who the actual president is.
“President died of excessive flatulence! Vice president JD Vance vows tough retaliation against Big Farta (and Iran for some reason)” would be the correct headline for this clown world timeline.
I support that decision. What kind of jokes could a comedian make about all of this? About the resurgence of an autocratic state on the ruins of one of the first modern democracies?
Maybe a conservative, MAGA comedian could do it. But those don’t exist. Ask yourself why.
Dozens of them! I’m sure that makes her feel better during her daily waterboarding session.
Trump already looks 20 years older 2 months into his second presidency. Look at pictures of him yesterday. How on earth would he even run for a third term, physically I mean? He will be the oldest president EVER by the time his term ends. 2 Years older than Biden when he left. A third term would serve no one but the actual rulers Peter Thiel and Musk behind him…oh.
Yummy yummy, I need faces in my tummy!
He seems to consider them in a vacuum.
“Prices rise, but that’s only a temporary problem for plebs refusing to buy American. Once US manufacturing catches up, they will buy American and all is well.”
That is of course incomplete and ignores the very real problem of manufacturing PARTS and raw resources also being affected. If not by Trumps tariffs, then by retaliatory ones from other countries. It also squashes your own export market. All of that together will leave prospective American factory bosses with a choice: Will they build a factory in the US and deal with higher prices and less customers, or will they build a factory in India, where they can export to every country on this planet (except the US but who cares) and have quick and cheap access to Chinese and Russian raw resources and a cheap labor pool?
No apology needed, I’m a dick. Just wish more people would be seething with rage about all of this as I am. Feels like the left is too placid, too timid, too laissez-faire with the great gift hard won with blood and iron by their forefathers.
Not angry, I prefer “passionate”. Well, I hope you make a difference someday.
I’m not shouting in from the outside. I’m in the US myself. The student who got grabbed off the street? She didn’t write half the shit I did. How’s that for having a stake?
If I made you mad I’ve already been helpful. You will not face the largest military on the planet on account of that military comprised by your own countrymen. Other nations such as Canadians or Europeans will not be as lucky. I would also love to be “more supportive” for direct action, if you know where to start let me know because I don’t.
Edit: Irrelevant to any of this, but I’m not a R*ddit refugee since I’ve been permabanned there more than a decade ago. I’m a /pol/ refugee. They banned me there as well, though nothing a DNS change couldn’t fix. Just as well, 4Chan is even more of a fed honeypot than Plebbit.
Typical Roman suppression against Illyrians again. Tsk Tsk.