Every US president I remember was a (war) criminal. But it’s not about the individuals, but rather the systemic changes enacted.
Every US president I remember was a (war) criminal. But it’s not about the individuals, but rather the systemic changes enacted.
I think I get your frustration. Don’t sweat it.
Where did I ask anybody not to vote?
The burden of proof lies on the people making the claims about intelligence. “AI” pundits have supplied nothing but marketing-hype.
By entering the discussion, you also engaged in the previops context. The discussion uas about LLMs being parrots.
Yup. These homies just love laying belly down on your arm.
You’re moving the goalposts.
Grassroots community action and mutual aid.
That’s what I mean with opposition outside the parliament.
AI is a marketing buzzword. When someone claims that so-called “AGI” is close, they’re either doing marketing or falling for marketing.
Since you didn°t address the “parroting” part, I’m assuming that you retract yopr point.
If your system is so far gone that an non-parliamentary opposition will be put into camps, then why are you not fighting to abolish it?
Whenever any advance is made in AI, AI critics redefine AI so its not achieved yet according to their definition.
That stems from the fact that AI is an ill-defined term that has no actual meaning. Before Google maps became popular, any route finding algorithm utilizing A* was considered “AI”.
And the second comment about LLMs being parrots arises from a misunderstanding of how LLMs work.
Bullshit. These people know exactly how LLMs work.
LLMs reproduce the form of language without any meaning being transmitted. That’s called parroting.
I think you’re dangerously naive for two options and defeatist for the other one.
Nice strawman.
Voting isn’t the only way to have a democracy. Try to build an opposition outside parliament.
What’s your plan B? What will you do, if Trump wins, or Biden wins and they’ll have a successful insurrection? How will you avoid the next Trump successor?
Shouldn’t be an issue with nixos.
On what? On dependencies? That shouldn’t be an issue with nixos.
I’d like to have the freedom to switch easily.
It doesn’t work at all with sddm. That’s what’s wrong.
Now, if it didn’t have that god-afwul boring combat every 50 centimeters… =.=