Hah I kinda like the idea of tasting random foods from books. Sounds ridiculous, but who knows, might be fun!
Hah I kinda like the idea of tasting random foods from books. Sounds ridiculous, but who knows, might be fun!
Never heard it called something like this, but it seems like an interesting idea. I assume they’re going to expose the kids to a bunch of books and hopefully pique their interest?
Hades 2!
I’m on a random app and while it’s obvious if I pay attention. I, occasionally, tap the down arrow by mistake while scrolling. Usually when I do this I notice it and undo it, but I imagine it’s happened a few times without me noticing.
Just saying it’s possible it’s some donkey like me that fat fingered a downvote.
I’m a rampant clicker/tapper and I bet I’ve unknowingly downvoted more than a few folks.
I am so confused. This is the onion… but isn’t this real?! Edit: ahh the content is the joke not the headline
I think it’s Little Women but I could be wrong
Since everyone’s mentioned the standards.
I’ve really enjoyed playing Tails of Iron (metroidvania with a focus on learning bosses attacks) lately. For programming games, I really liked Shenzhen IO (You create hardware with something resembling an Assembly language and a printable manual) and Human Resources Machine (drag and drop assembly programming)
I also have a soft spot for anything from Ska Studios (I maed a game with zombies in it, salt and sanctuary, salt and sacrifice, dishwasher, Charlie murder, and a bunch of older games that are probably not playable anymore)
Also looks like everyone else forgot to mention the great game that is Undertale as well.
Thanks for the info! I had no idea this existed!
I’m old and haven’t grown out of video games and now enjoy playing them with my kids! Video games rule for all ages!
You shut your mouth! No one talks about my boy Tom that way. (I vaguely remember Tom Bombadil being one of Tolkiens daughters dolls and that’s how he came to be in the book.)
Thanks I had no idea there was a book. I checked out the audiobook from my library
The makers of the infamous “Back Orifice” Trojan?
I feel so old.
He wants respectable looking women and young girls kissing? I guess everyone has their niche.
I might be messing something up here… but TJ is in Fairfax County isn’t it? Fairfax county is definitely “communist Northern Virginia”
Also, you stating that “there’s more to the story” is you doing a form of what I described above…which is pushing back on the person complaining and not on the underlying rude behavior.
I don’t think this is true. I stated that the staring behavior would be considered very rude and implied heavily that whoever is staring is in the wrong. To be clear, whoever is staring is in the wrong. They should not do this.
It’s more that I’m surprised that you’re running into this issue. In my social circle, staring would be considered extremely rude and, if I complained to others about it, people would strongly agree. This is what led me to believe that there’s some extra piece of info here. For example, maybe you come from a culture where staring is acceptable or you’re young and happen to be surrounded by jackasses.
I feel like there’s more to this story. My experience is US centric, but it’s considered very rude to stare at people… and I can’t imagine why anyone would tell you “maybe the issue is you” when you complained about folks staring at you.
I will say that a large number of guys don’t realize how obvious they are when checking out someone they’re attracted to.
Any tips on not having to buy new socks every 3 months? God damn socks develop holes far too quickly.
I think that holds true whether or not it’s been used before. So, I agree.
I don’t know enough about the finer details of this topic to say what is right or wrong, but I was hoping to be educated by the article… which felt like it was just thrown together without proper due diligence… or editing.
Heh. The world is a small place. I live very near here! I had no idea they were doing this! I’ll check it out.
I had no idea there were other bellinglemmings! (That doesn’t have the same ring to it)