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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I honestly believe it was a mistake not releasing the footage with the screaming.

    The fact that they were all standing around doing fuck all is bad, but you have to actively remember there are kids screaming. While mr punisher walpaper is pulling his phone out there are kids screaming. While they were all grouped together in the hall there are kids screaming.

    Instead of having to actively place the sound you would have to actively ignore it like those shitbags in blue were. It would make their inaction all the more inexcusable. Release the edited footage so the news can play and so people who (understandably) can’t stomach the sound can still watch it, but have the unedited footage to show how monsterously uncaring those subhumans were.

  • If you don’t understand that then I’m done here because you either don’t understand what “ai” does on a fundamental level or you don’t understand how big the difference is between adult and child bodies.

    This is a gross conversion to be having on something that is so wrong to do on so many levels.

    You can’t make an ethno state without genocide so it is wrong and pointless to talk about

    You can’t make ai csam without harming a child so it is wrong and pointless to talk about

  • Just like how you can’t generate a child without pictures of children to base it on you can’t generate them naked without pictures of their bodies. There is a reason pedos are attracted to those bodies and not women with no curves/small men.

    I work with children, I see them everyday. The difference is so massive that an ai would not be able to approximate it with just photos of adults. Ai doesn’t “know” anything it just has photos that it uses to approximate what is being asked based off it’s data. Even if you kept describing in more detail what those bodies looked like it wouldn’t be able to create it without anything to base it on. It’d be like creating a van gogh style picture with no van gogh training data, no matter how much you try to describe the details of his style you’ll never get the ai to make something like it without the training data.

    You can keep disagreeing, keep saying “but with more data” but ai can’t make anything original, that is a fundamental misunderstanding of it’s abilities. If it doesn’t have the data it can’t accurately do it.

  • I don’t see a reason to discuss if it’s possible to to something if the thing that’s being done is morally wrong. If you disagree then let’s talk about making a white ethno state or if we can do another Holocaust since morality doesn’t matter when discussing hypotheticals

    You can’t generate csam without photos of children to make up the actual child part of the picture. It doesn’t matter if you actually use csam you’re still using photos of children to make pornography. Unless you think ai could create a van gogh style picture without any van gogh training data (and if you do then you don’t know enough about ai generated photos to talk about them with any authority)

  • The bodies of children are not just small versions of adult bodies.There are meaningful differences that an ai wouldn’t be able to just guess. Also do you not see any problem in using photos of real children to generate csam? Imagine someone used a picture of your child/niece/nephew to generate porn. Does that not feel wrong to you? It’s still using real photos of real children either way, even if it’s abstracted through training data.