I honestly believe it was a mistake not releasing the footage with the screaming.
The fact that they were all standing around doing fuck all is bad, but you have to actively remember there are kids screaming. While mr punisher walpaper is pulling his phone out there are kids screaming. While they were all grouped together in the hall there are kids screaming.
Instead of having to actively place the sound you would have to actively ignore it like those shitbags in blue were. It would make their inaction all the more inexcusable. Release the edited footage so the news can play and so people who (understandably) can’t stomach the sound can still watch it, but have the unedited footage to show how monsterously uncaring those subhumans were.
What even are juggalos? Like i know they’re fans of ICP but is there anything more than that? Do they have any unifying beliefs or are they just ICP fans?