I feel like you really gave away the punchline at the start there 😂
I feel like you really gave away the punchline at the start there 😂
“Oh uh… the cheque is in the mail!”
It’s so close to reality that I’ll forgive it :P
Holy cow I just learned a lot. Thank you for taking the time to explain this!
This is a great sentiment but you really have to work on your delivery haha. Your first comment gives the impression that you feel superior because you make more money.
Wait, are there cars with lights/wipers on a touch screen?
The internet has told me you don’t enjoy changing sponges then.
Ah, I stand corrected!
Politics has always been is currently a game of the least offensive though. Every can candidate will have things they give you and things they take away. If your two choices are between “I will genocide” and “I will genocide even harder” it seems wild to me to help the second one win by abstaining from the first.
Oh and the second one doesn’t think women are people and thinks climate change is fake.
“I wanna” Trump
Ah yeah, that’s not as nice as I was picturing then. I still can’t help but side with the guy at least a bit though… it’s just something about the predatory nature of lotteries. In fact it’s almost more offensive that it’s run by a government haha.
Normally I’d agree with you on the basis of reason alone, but I think lottery companies can stand being gouged once in a while.
Edit: shows how little I know about lotteries haha
This is the kind of thing that seems good on paper, but in practice it alienates anyone on the outside of it. If you’re born into a low credit score (i.e. born poor) you’re automatically at a disadvantage. No one will lend you any money because you have a certain score, which in turn means you’re never given an opportunity to improve your score. When credit scores start including rent payments, I’ll be open to seeing it as equitable.
Both can be true though. I don’t support things like Uber and Lyft but only because of how horribly they treat their employees. I don’t have much sympathy for the taxi industry that never bothered to modernized over the last 50 years.
“Undue” is a word with a huge range of meaning though. You’re buying a device whose sole purpose is to kill or injure, and it’s exceptionally good at doing those things accidentally. If you want to own a device like that, accident insurance is not all undue.
In fact it’s kinda surprising that people can get guns without it. I feel like in an alternate universe where gun insurance was the norm, people would think it’s insane to remove that requirement. It’s a requirement for cars which are now less deadly than guns and arguably way more important to people’s survival, but people think gun ownership is such a marker of liberty that they’re willing to put the rest of society at risk for it.
I’m surprised he didn’t call out Canada. Turns out Alberta’s oilsands were producing 6700% more emissions than they reported.
Goddamn… as a fellow celiac sufferer, I’m very sorry to hear that. If the blood tests are pretty conclusive, you can probably assume it’s celiac without the colonoscopy. The downside is that if you start a gluten-free diet now and decide to get a colonoscopy later, it might now show anything since you’re off the gluten. Best of luck!
It isn’t if they want to own a tool that can accidentally and immediately end a life. The guy below you made a joke about a car and insurance, but that’s actually a great point. Just because you can find a $300 car doesn’t mean you’re absolved from getting insurance in case you crash or kill someone. And that’s a car, something that’s crucial to a lot of people’s survival. Even better argument for a gun.
I appreciate the info because frankly I didn’t know they were that cheap. I still don’t think that absolves someone of being able to pay for an accidental injury/death caused by a tool that’s designed to do specifically that.
Ehh I dunno… I’m as atheist as anyone with an IQ above 60, but I think religion is just a convenient scapegoat for mental illness here. I’m pretty sure someone who shoots strangers on the highway would have done it in a world without religion too, and they would say it’s a different mystical force that made them do it. I don’t think Christianity actually moved this person to do this.