A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
I don’t know why the article isn’t explicit but this was a Panamanian judge, not an American one. Most of the Panama Papers prosecutions of the actual law firm were in Panama.
Tankies are literal authoritarians. People say they’re “authoritarian communists,” which ignores they’re mostly Maoists or Stalinists, both of whom were closer to fascism than the left. It sort of ignores the basic premise of communism or even socialism to have a single authoritarian ruler. Kind of like how the Nazis called themselves socialists. I guess they were a workers’ party to start, but I don’t think you can reasonably conflate their ideology with the tenets of socialism.
I don’t see anywhere that you can’t also just buy a battery and charge it yourself if you’d prefer that over a subscription.
Sort of like how you pay over and over for gas, without which your car doesn’t work?
Everyone I’ve spoken to about it has noted that it’s become a very different place. I’ll still use it for reviews and getting tips for serious things like privacy and some basic DIY. But a lot of that advice will be obsolete in a couple years and very few people are replenishing it. Who’s going to give a shit about the best home theater setups of 2023 in two years?
Pretty caucasius of you.
You’d think the dewormer would have fixed it.
Well, yes. Allegedly. He’s not convicted, just accused. It’s almost definitely him, but he’s not been determined to be guilty yet.
José Andrés is one of the most loved people in DC regardless of politics. Fucking with his people is very bad, to put it mildly.
Quick correction, you cannot have just Y or YY. The only full monosomy you can have and survive is Turner syndrome (just one X). Not having any X chromosome is 100% fatal, the X chromosome is necessary for development regardless of sex. Additionally, while you can have XYY (Jacobs syndrome), you cannot have YY for the same reason you can’t have monosomy Y.
Ruler of the planet Omicron-Persei 8!
Every instance gets to decide on its own, there’s no set of rules governing the whole thing. That’s why I stated this is my opinion, not some hard and fast rule.
The crew operator or subcontractor may file for bankruptcy. Maersk isn’t going anywhere.
It happens all the time, a lot of things get handled this way because the infrastructure still needs to be fixed in a reasonable timeline.
So your argument is if the regulation isn’t perfectly applied to every possible instance of a potential violation simultaneously, then it should never be applied? How does that make any sense?
For example, I’m personally of the opinion that instances should be allowed to federate until they prove themselves to be bad actors, but in Meta’s case there’s a lot of existing evidence that shows they shouldn’t be allowed to federate in the first instance.
I’m not sure how this in any way contradicts what I said. I’m not saying only watch The Wire, I’m saying between The Wire and The Shield, having seen both, I prefer The Wire, but they’re also very different so it’s not a good comparison.
So that’s fraud, report it to your state/local AG office of consumer protection. Might be able to get your money back.