Oh that sounds good, and it makes sense from a linguistic POV.
Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.
Oh that sounds good, and it makes sense from a linguistic POV.
I haven’t been to a GameStop in quite some time, but I can say it’s generally better off not to waste your time looking for a deal at walmart, at least at the store level. According to the markdown policy, they want you to try to run 10 to 15% per markdown and you can only do two markdowns before you’re supposed to dispose/claim. So for a $70 game, my first markdown would have been 60$, my second markdown would have been around 50$
Many times I would have tons of clearance games that I wouldn’t be able to sell because of those restrictions, during those times I would mark it down further than that, but many times when you went to mark it down further than that they would actually rather you dispose on the second markdown because for some stupid reason, their claim system has it so you can dispose/claim for full cost, so financially it makes zero sense store side to sell the game for 50% off when you can send the game back for about 80%(or even full cost at times) of what was paid
It was a really stupid system, but I assume they’re getting some sort of Kickback from game Studios to discourage physical media
ofc this also assumes they are on top of dealing with markdowns, \0/
Considering Tech bro isn’t clearly defined it’s unlikely that there is a proper word for it.
The closest I would say is probably nerd being used as an insult, or a tech trendist, but I’m hoping some other people can chime in as well cuz I might have missed something
I’m not giving Trump a pass, I think these tariffs are one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in years.
However I’m not going to blame tariffs on something that aren’t affected by tariffs. I’m going to blame the company who is deciding to raise the price of a good that isn’t impacted by the tariffs,
It’s two separate ongoing issues and I’m not about to give the company a get out of jail free card by blaming tariffs for it.
I wasn’t aware that there was still a really big physical market, I haven’t personally purchased an actual disc in over 6 years, the sales that the stores have never match the steam sales, and I never really bought hard copies on my pc anyway. Consoles have been more hard pushing digital as well, with locking down the disk reader on cheaper iterations.
If physical game prices go up as a result but digital stay the same I’ll believe it, but if both game prices go up, I’m not going to assume it’s due to the Tariffs, I’m going to directly correlate that to the company’s greed and that’s going to impact my future decisions as a buyer to buy their goods.
They also appear on the main screen, as you’re browsing and on shorts
It depends on your job designation(and region tbh). Out of my personal experience in the states, If you are a “contractor” you are expected to pay for everything, but if you are an “employee” then the company is expected to pay for any additional training past what you brought to the table when you were hired. If they say that they are changing the job requirements and they now require you to get the next level license to continue your job, they must pay for that process, that is not something the employee is required to pay for.
Being said, it sounds like OP is being pushed a “if you want to be promoted you must do this” type of deal, which is completely fair as it’s an optional thing to gain more money, but you can’t push that as a requirement to keep your job without also putting yourself at risk of an employment case either under wage theft, improper dismissal or an unemployment claim if they did decide to fire the employee.
I am lending my employer some of my personal time. Therefor if they want more, they need to pay for it. This ideology that you are owned by your company is shitty and needs to stop.
“I don’t feel it is in my personal benefit to spend my energy and time outside of work, chasing a end goal that will not favor me personally. This certificate was not a requirement for me being hired, and I am not being reimbursed for said spent time and energy. If this is something that the company is interested in pursuing, I am more than happy to continue working on it as long as I am reimbursed for my time. A chance at promotion with no compensation in current day, does not guarantee enough of a reward for it to be worth my time.”
Know your worth OP, companies will burn you time and time if they think they can. Don’t learn the hard way like I did, or my grandfather did (he did a masters degree fully out of pocket because there was an increase in pay involved + a massive bonus, the removed the bonus and halved the increase in pay the year he graduated). It’s a well known scam used by employers in specialized fields to avoid having to actually pay for training and certs.
Additionally you may want to note that if they try to say that you need to cert to stay at the company, mention that in that case it’s mandatory training and you are supposed to be paid for time spent, and if they refuse look into an employment lawyer for wage theft.
I fell for New World myself.
Even played the beta and saw how empty it was, but nope I continued on.
Fully agree, but also after an event the extent that CEO did, that’s going to be held over their head for years to come. The easiest way to get it out of the air is stopping the constant engagement that’s encouraging it. Mastodon was a pretty large source of that.
going off memory, I believe it depends on region, but yes federally I don’t think it cares as long as the price is correctly shown and the “was price” is not higher than it had ever been listed as
I think I would be the same way tbh. Like I don’t care that they do it, but I defo wouldn’t expect it in the same place as art content. Although it’s allowed, I think I would do the same as what you did.
I agree, but I really don’t think complying will be advantageous to OP either. Not only do they get less prep time out of it, it’s also removing from the benefits given by the contract.
There’s also a chance that if they’re firm on their action and make it clear they are going to follow the contract, the people running the meeting may stop doing it early days they work, as they need to recap the entire thing once they are on the clock anyway.
Regardless I don’t think OP should let it get to them, my old work was that way, everyone was expected to clock in early and work late, I stood firm and even made some comments on how I habe a life outside of work and I follow my shift, they eventually left me alone.
There’s no winning if you cave and just follow the mantra all you do is come out with less. Regardless of what the rest of the workers think.
Who cares what others do if they want to waste their time go ahead, just follow your contract, if it states start at 1230,shift begins at 1235 then show up at 1230 and begin at 1235.Anything they decide to do prior to you is not your problem.
Just get what info you need after the fact. It’s bonus because you also now can waste X Amount of time trying to recap what you missed since you wern’t present/working at that time.
the inability to be able to rent it at a profit usually. If they don’t think they can get money out of it, they won’t want to. If the economy hits a point where the housing market collapses, chances are they aren’t going to want to risk the buy in knowing that they likely won’t be able to sell for equal amount.
Or the much faster method: the “scary” government regulating it
hard agree. I never have learned anything from a video in terms of software development… now working on my car on the other hand… many times over
now with #ADS, please tap the x to continue changing your GPS.
I think I agree. I would be fine with an infotainment system that:
My malibu meets 2 and 3, but the fact that if the infotainment system breaks it cripples the entire car, puts me on edge. This would be mitigated if actual functionality was outside of it, and that the touch screen was just a control layer.
Man my home area is that way, they can’t get anything higher than a 5/5 internet wise. I go over to my parents and one YouTube video seems to take the whole network down. I feel bad for them, they can’t get anything better. We really need a complete overhaul in this state. Sadly the current trend is physical disks still have a day 1 update that downloads most the game. When I bought my dad a game for events, I give it to him a few days prior to the event so he can download it beforehand. It’s rediculous
Granted this was back on the PS4 but I’m sure it hasent got better.