- Buy groceries when the price is low.
- Refund when the prices go up.
- Profit!
I first read “mortgage of the family” and somehow it’s worse.
Zizek’s take on 300 is so good, here’s an excerpt:
it is the story a small and poor country (Greece) invaded by the army of a much larges state (Persia), at that point much more developed, and with a much more developed military technology - are the Persian elephants, giants and large fire arrows not the ancient version of high-tech arms? When the last surviving group of the Spartans and their king Leonidas are killed by the thousands of arrows, are they not in a way bombed to death by techno-soldiers operating sophisticated weapons from a safe distance, like today’s US soldiers who push the rocket buttons from the warships safely away in the Persian Gulf? Furthermore, Xerxes’s words when he attempts to convince Leonidas to accept the Persian domination, definitely do not sound as the words of a fanatic Muslim fundamentalist: he tries to seduce Leonidas into subjection by promising him peace and sensual pleasures if he rejoins the Persian global empire. All he asks from him is a formal gesture of kneeling down, of recognizing the Persian supremacy - if the Spartans do this, they will be given supreme authority over the entire Greece. Is this not the same as what President Reagan demanded from Nicaraguan Sandinista government? They should just say “Hey uncle!” to the US…
A Scanner Darkly, book and movie, really good.
It does say “yield and cost effectiveness” in the picture, so I’m not emphasizing on availability, but discussing just that.
Why subsidized? A fair comparison would be subsidized home farming vs. subsidized industrial farming, or neither are subsidized.
The exact problem was discussed in Seeing Like a State by James C. Scott, where he reached a very different and nuanced conclusion. You can have a read if you are truly interested.
Jesus Christ Marie, they are minerals!
Run all of them for extra brightness.
Have you heard of 996.icu? I don’t know where you get your statistics, but have a walk around 五道口 and you’ll understand.
Also, I don’t know where you see that I’m a fan of CCP. The government is largely responsible for the phenomenon by not prosecuting the companies lol.
I’m not saying that this isn’t a protest, but merely providing the context for the protest. They took the relaxed dress code to an extreme and deliberately interpreted it as “anything you like”. It’s more of a malicious compliance protest. That’s why they were scolded by the leader, instead of being fired.
I’m not saying everything about China is evil, but 996 is an actual thing, actively resented by Chinese young people. I’ve got friends working such schedules. I’m presenting their views. I had also visited their offices and saw the folding beds.
For those who don’t know, it’s not quite new (except for the word that describes it, Ban Wei 班味). Because of the long working time, a lot of Chinese companies (especially in the tech sector) allow very casual dressing, plushies, even folding beds in the office. Sounds good but is actually horrifying.
The sentence meant to be sarcastic. The dry humor was lost in translation.
It’s a one-piece pajama in the video. She has a coat over it during the work.
In some sense yes, but advertising for its own stuff is advertising too. It nudges you to use their whole ecosystem.
The most annoying thing for me is that you can’t remove the iTunes component in mission control (the settings deck).
I mean, that’s also how now commonly accepted names came into being in the first place.
Every time I plugged USB-C into SDCX: perfect height, but why are you moving?
Being a jerk in Obsidian games is fun. I used to do every small errand to please everyone, mainly for the rewards, but then found out as long as you can figure out the main mechanism, most tasks are optional.
Being more assertive really amps up the role playing aspect. Sadly not every RPG is this open and well-written.
Now do a speed run.