Remember what happened to that one billionaire who didn’t follow regulations? His sub imploded.
Remember what happened to that one billionaire who didn’t follow regulations? His sub imploded.
Have you noticed how nothing is being passed through the house or senate? He’s not getting impeached. It happened twice before with no results.
Give that statement to maybe not super techy investors, and that could spook them into the sell-off.
It requires only 5% of the same hardware that OpenAI needs to do the same thing. So that can mean less quantity of top end cards and it can also run on less powerful cards (not top of the line).
Should their models become standard or used more commonly, then nvidis sales will drop.
I wish for the Horizon (Zero Dawn) series to have that kind of luck with good story/writing, acting, and FX… then I always remember that it’s Netflix making it and get disappointed every time.
Tomatum… that’s the one
Shhh, you’re not supposed to point out Apples fla… uh, features.
Hot take approved
They do, and I’d love to see these laws expanded to include a ban against all algorithm manipulation. Manipulation coming from external sources is much more dangerous, even if local source manipulation is also dangerous.
This has nothing to do with free speech. And yes, 90% of the people out there, including kids, log into tiktok and get a hone page for whatever content China wants to sling, of that’s to turn group A more right and group B more left, or to push their own agendas. People just don’t look at thongs objectively and tend to follow what they see. This is a security risk for the entire country.
It’s not stifling free speech, and blocking content for the sake of blocking content that they’re talking about here. Is it moral to block influence like that? Yes.
And if it’s tanking, Musk is responsible and shouldn’t be paid any bonus because he failed them.
Agreed. People only hear/read what they want to read, and often tines its flamboyant claims that are not factual. :shrug:
Can’t blame them. Late stage capitalism is causing a lot of people a lot of pain while a few get super rich from it.
I think him putting in the “I’m immune to criminal charges” argument into the courts hands has actually given him temporary immunity until it’s decided. It’s BS
Good bot
Not sure what you know, but here’s the head of the FBIs statement about why.
The issue is that China controls the algorithm for what users see. This gives them the ability to manipulate users by showing specific content to sway their opinion on things. This is specifically about China’s ability to manipulate US citizens.
Yea, it’s not as bad as this thread is trying to make it out to be.
The problem here, specifically, is that once imported items go up in price, there needs to be regulations that blocks local manufacturers from just upping their prices to match. Otherwise the imported items are still a viable purchase and tariffs will not work as a counter measure.